Attendance Information

  • Email or call the school attendance office before 9:00 a.m. to report an absence. or (614)921-7340
  • A student will receive an F if he/she accumulates more than 6 total class absences,excluding official absences during any nine-week grading period.
  • A note must be received by the attendance office first thing in the morning for a student to leave the building.The note must be:
    …signed by a parent or legal guardian
    …with the student(s) name
    …time of early dismissal
    …and a phone number where the parent can be reached for confirmation.
  • Students are not to enter or leave the building during school hours without reporting to the attendance office.
  • Four tardies to 1st period will result in a Wednesday School.
  • Oversleeping and transportation issues are “not excused” absences.

Hilliard Darby High School Mascot

(614) 921-7300
(614) 921-7301
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Matt Middleton