The PTO President shall:
- Preside at all meetings of the organization (monthly executive officer meetings, monthly PTO meetings, and other meetings, as needed)
- Perform such duties as may be prescribed in the PTO by-laws or assigned to him/her by the organization
- Coordinate the work of the executive officers and committees
- Meet with the Principal to keep him/her abreast of all organizational activities, as needed
- Create the agenda for the monthly PTO meetings, with the assistance of the other executive officers
- Contact Principal for agenda items prior to monthly executive officer meeting
- Write checks, make deposits, and fulfill cash box requests, as needed, in absence of Treasurer
- Schedule a forms audit several times per year and attend audit to answer questions, if needed
- Schedule a financial audit at the end of the year, including outgoing and incoming executive officers, to be performed by independent sources (parent volunteers, ISPTO Treasurer, etc.)
- Communicate in a timely manner
- Perform other duties, as needed
The PTO Vice President shall:
- Act as an aide to the President and perform the duties of the President in her/his absence
- Attend meetings of the organization (monthly executive officer meetings, monthly PTO meetings, and other meetings, as needed)
- Assist in the creation of the agenda for the monthly PTO meetings
- Assume the responsibilities of a committee chairperson, in the event that the existing committee chairperson is unable to fulfill their duties, until a new chairperson is appointed
- Attend financial audit meeting at end of year
- Communicate in a timely manner
- Perform other duties, as needed
The PTO Secretary shall:
- Attend meetings of the organization (monthly executive officer meetings, monthly PTO meetings, and other meetings, as needed)
- Provide sign in sheet at monthly PTO meetings requesting name and email address of attendees
- Record and report on all minutes at executive officer meetings and PTO meetings
- Make available copies of the minutes from the meeting, within 14 days after the meeting
- Forward minutes to meeting attendees and regular attendees, even if not in attendance
- Forward minutes, as well as other documents as needed, to Assistant Principal for posting to PTO website
- Assist in the creation of the agenda for the monthly PTO meetings
- Type and forward agenda to President for approval then to executive officers and regular monthly PTO meeting attendees, prior to the monthly PTO meetings
- Receive all correspondence to the organization and make appropriate responses
- Attend financial audit meeting at end of year
- Communicate in a timely manner
- Perform other duties, as needed
The PTO Treasurer shall:
- Maintain custody of all funds of the organization and keep a full and accurate account of all receipts and expenditures
- Provide a written financial statement at every Executive Officer meeting and PTO meeting
- Attend meetings of the organization (monthly executive officer meetings, monthly PTO meetings, and other meetings, as needed)
- Provide financial reports and check book to President, if unable to attend a meeting
- Assist in the creation of the agenda for the monthly PTO meetings
- Check PTO mailbox in school office weekly
- Reconcile monthly bank statements
- Process Reimbursement Requests within 10 business days
- Deposit cash box return and cash deposit within 3 business days of end of event
- Write checks as needed (proper paperwork required)
- Deposit checks according to Financial Procedures
- Verify all currency deposits before depositing at bank (May also be completed by President)
- Lead the annual budget development process in August
- Present the budget for approval at the September PTO meeting
- File Form 990/990EZ, the annual IRS return required for 501(c)(3) groups
- Ensure incorporation with the state is current and renew, if necessary
- Ensure Fidelity Bond is paid yearly
- Attend forms audit several times per year, as scheduled, to provide all paperwork requested and answer questions, if needed
- Attend financial audit at the end of the year to provide all paperwork requested and answer questions
- Communicate in a timely manner
- Perform other duties, as needed
The ISPTO Representative shall:
- Represent the PTO in all matters relating to Inter-School PTO Council business and report regularly to the general membership concerning matters coming before the Inter-School PTO Council
- Attend meetings of the organization (monthly PTO meetings, and other meetings, as needed)
- Communicate in a timely manner
- Perform other duties, as needed