3 Generations at Brown

3 Generations at Brown

“I still get goosebumps every time the rain hits the tin roof at Brown Elementary.” Intervention Teacher, Aimee Jordan has been tied to Brown for decades and has had three generations of her family be a part of the magic that takes place at this amazing school. It all started with her mother being an educator at Brown, with Aimee attending there and now her two daughters are students at Brown. She considers the staff at Brown a part of her family and Brown’s home. 

Aimee has dedicated a lot of her time and energy to making Brown a wonderful place for not only the students but for the staff as well. One of Aimee’s favorite Brown staff community-building events with staff are their weekly yoga classes. During yoga, the instructor weaves an intentional word throughout the practice for the staff to reflect on and take with them into their week. Aimee loves taking the weekly words into her week and using it to guide her as she connects with colleagues and students. 

Aimee is known as a “battery charger” for her colleagues and is always lifting everyone up as well as empowering them. Aimee enjoys charging her own battery by working out in the mornings. This allows her to be ready to love, serve, and care for each member of the Brown family. Aimee finds it imperative to prioritize both mental and physical health, so she can be consistently present with the needs of her students and coworkers. At Brown, she not only serves as the intervention teacher but is known as the hostess with the mostest. Aimee is always ready to plan a celebration or event for the Brown family and anyone in need of a dose of cheer. This isn’t surprising seeing that Aimee started her career in Hilliard at Heritage as a middle school teacher and cheer coach. Aimee brings the energy. 

If you visit Brown you will see Aimee engaging with the students. As she transitioned out of the classroom and into the support staff role, continuing to engage with children was a must for her. Being a mom of two Brown students drives Aimee to be her best self, it changed the way she taught and how she engages with families. Aimee exudes a passion for pedagogy and the love of her career. “You know you are doing something you are passionate about when you lose track of time.” 


Aimee Jordan and her two kids who attend Brown.

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