This past fall, we kicked off a strategic planning process. The goal of this work is to create a set of common goals and key characteristics of our Portrait of a Learner that will guide our district, but more importantly, our students, into the future.
It’s important that the final outcome of this work be reflective of our community. That’s why we created a Strategic Design Team, made up of staff, students, families, and community members. Our third of four meetings was held December 8, where our partner, Battelle for Kids, reviewed survey results from the previous meeting listing the core competencies the Design Team, and those who filled out our community survey, believes are essential for our Portrait of a Learner.
Results were broken out by group (students, parents, staff, etc.), allowing the Design Team to hone in on the top competencies — skills like critical thinking, empathy, communication and adaptability. Small group discussions followed where Design Team members analyzed definitions for each competency and made suggested changes. The team also considered draft logos that will help our community easily identify our Portrait of a Learner work once finalized.
We look forward to completing this work soon in advance of sharing the new vision with our community in the spring. Thank you to those who have shared their ideas and feedback. It’s not too late to get involved! You can follow along with this work on our website.