As we head into the new year, a time of reflection and for celebrating great things to come, I wanted to celebrate some of the wonderful achievements of our Hilliard City School District. This past year our district performed proficient or above in eighteen out of twenty academic achievement metrics on the Ohio Report Card. Better still, on sixteen of the eighteen categories where we were proficient or above, we also surpassed the statewide average. Metrics like these place us within the top-performing quartile of all school districts in Ohio. We are an incredibly high academically performing district, and partially due to this fact, as well as many others, the district was voted to be one of the top three public school districts in Central Ohio in the Columbus Dispatch’s Best Of Columbus survey. That is a tremendous feat, and one that we could not have accomplished without the expertise of our educational professionals, the high expectations set by our administrators, the hard work of our support staff, support and love that parents of our district give their children at home, and of course the determined mentality of our students striving towards success. While we will always have more work to do, and while we will never rest on our laurels, we must also take time to celebrate the tremendous academic heights our district has proven capable of. Congratulations to everyone, because this is truly a community victory. Together we will accelerate into the future of HCSD. Thank you all and happy new year!
Brian Perry is a member of the Hilliard City Schools Board of Education.