Supplemental Service Teacher to Hilliard City Schools, Heather Conrad is always on the go. Heather spends most of her day traveling between fourteen different buildings as she helps students from all different ages in the district. Heather says she has the privilege to following her students throughout their whole career in Hilliard which makes her relationship with them extra special. Colleague Yvonne Haight said, “Heather has heart that serves and loves others to the fullest. She gives endlessly of her time and energy to others, making a difference in the world. This translates into each student and staff she reaches out to on a weekly basis.”
Now that her children are grown and don’t need her to drive them around to sport practices or friends’ houses, she realized she had more free time on her hands. Although she thought the free time would be nice to relax after work, she wanted to spend her time outside of the classroom giving back to the community.
Heather joined a group, where on Mondays they adopt a block within the Columbus area that benefit from support. The group not only provides meals to the individuals in the area but a glimpse of hope. Along with serving meals on Monday night she serves in the children’s ministry at her church. Heather said, “The work I do outside of the classroom, brings me more knowledge and perspective that I can bring to my students in the classroom whereas otherwise I wouldn’t know. She goes on to say that “Don’t be afraid to follow your passions in ways that aren’t your profession, and you’ll see how they both improve each area.”