A Balanced Teacher and Student

A Balanced Teacher and Student

BNLC Behavioral Intervention Specialist Kiersten Houser goes above and beyond to bring her best self to her classroom every day. 

This is Kiersten’s first year teaching as the Behavioral Intervention Specialist, in which she is focusing on her students’ social-emotional regulations along with helping them with their academic work in their classroom. She teaches around 13 students, mainly in 1st grade. Kiersten finds that having a balanced social life outside of work helps bring her best self to her classroom. 

If teaching weren’t already enough, Kiersten is involved in a sand volleyball league and she’s getting her masters in special education. She finds that during her busy week, playing sand volleyball gives her something to look forward to between work and studying. She also noticed that when she finds the time to exercise, be it playing volleyball or going to a gym, she is more focused and energized throughout the day; this helps her stay motivated with her busy schedule. 

Teachers that work with Kiersten find that she is very knowledgeable and resourceful when it comes to dealing with their students’ behaviors. She has the opportunity to directly use what she’s learning in her master’s program in her own classroom. She knows that not all days are easy and the best thing for the students and staff is to reset and start each day fresh. 

When it comes to being a full-time teacher and student, she finds that her support system in and out of school is necessary to bring her best self to the classroom and school. Kiersten has amazing friends and family that are always there for her and can relate to her journey and struggles. Her mom is also a Behavioral Intervention Specialist and is a great person with whom she can discuss her job and career. Her friends are also in education, so they can empathize with one another and seek advice. 

Kiersten truly brings her best self to everything she does, and it shows in and outside of the classroom.  

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