Students from both Station and Tharp have been preparing for Battle of the Books 2023 since the beginning of April. Students formed teams and read 20 different books over the past few weeks. They then competed against each other in their buildings for the title of building winner, and on Wednesday, May 17th, the top two teams from Tharp traveled to Station to compete for the 6th Grade Champion. After an impressive and fierce battle, the Station team of “Not Bad” was crowned 2023 champions after defeating the Tharp team of “Fighting Five.” Congrats to all 16 teams that competed across the two buildings!
Battle of the Books is one of many unique ways for students to complete their reading standards with a fun, engaging way of learning.
The standard states that by the end of the year, students must read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in grades 6–8 text complexity and proficiently.