As you have heard, the Ohio Department of Education recently released the Ohio School Report Cards for the 2022-23 school year. We’re thrilled to share some exciting news about one… read more →
The Ohio Department of Education recently released the Ohio School Report Cards for the 2022-2023 school year. We are pleased to announce that Hilliard City Schools continues to make positive… read more →
Many people have seen the City of Hilliard develop a new comprehensive plan. According to their web page, they launched Hilliard by Design to significantly update the city’s 2011 comprehensive plan.… read more →
You may have read that all Franklin County residents’ properties have been assessed this year. This part of a regular procedure ensures fair taxation based on area changes. In Hilliard,… read more →
First Day of School August 22, 2023 Quick Links Home Access Center Student Handbook Enroll in School-Age Child Care Building Flyers Find My Bus Stop Lunch Menus New Student… read more →
Twice yearly, Ohio’s public schools must approve a 5-year financial forecast. Hilliard Schools’ latest forecast was approved on May 18, showing careful planning amidst potential revenue challenges. Here are some… read more →
The Hilliard City School District is in the process of adopting a new K-5 Math resource called Imagine Learning Illustrative Math. During the next two weeks, the Board of Education… read more →
If you wish to request that a book or resource not be checked out to your student from their Innovation & Discovery/Media Center, you must complete the form below. Each… read more →
The Hilliard City School District’s Curriculum Department is in the midst of a multi-year curriculum revision cycle for several content areas. An important part of this process is seeking input… read more →
The Hilliard City School District is in the process of revising its K-12 English Language Arts Course of Study. The District’s English Language Arts Curriculum Revision Committee has just completed… read more →