Development of a Blended Learning Vision
The Curriculum, Technology, Professional Development teams, teachers and principals have been meeting throughout the spring of 2014 to develop a vision of Blended Learning. The driving question has been: What does learning look like when all teachers and students have a device and how do we strive to use them productively in our learning?
We have identified 7 Characteristics of Hilliard’s Blended Learning model. For each characteristic, you will find the following:
- A description of the characteristic
- A question to allow the reader to reflect on how they could use this characteristic to improve their teaching or learning
- A details section that gives ideas on how that characteristic might look in a learning environment or classroom
- A list of recommended iPad/iOS apps that could be used
- Examples of teachers using apps in their classroom, learning models in the world and other educational organizations that highlight this characteristic
View the Blended Learning Infographic
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