Hilliard City Schools | Ready for Tomorrow

Our Campus



In 2010, the Hilliard City Schools 2020 Executive Summary called for a strategic plan to reimagine the learning experience for students in order to address the “rapidly changing world”.  Beginning in 2015, the Britton Elementary and Norwich Elementary staff members have worked together to reimagine the elementary learning experience for students, a dreaming process that resulted in a focus on learning through design thinking and studio work as well as developing programming to improve student self-regulation.

This work has brought to light the wide variety of developmental needs of children, how those needs change from Kindergarten to 5th Grade, and how we must respond to those changes. We believe that student programming should be different for a 7-year-old than for a 10-year-old.

We are presenting a plan that includes the merging of Britton Elementary with Norwich Elementary into one campus. The plan includes housing grades K-2 at Britton Elementary and housing grades 3-5 at Norwich Elementary beginning in the fall of the 2020-2021 school year.


  1. Improve learning programs by narrowing the focus of support to better support developmental ranges.
  2. Strengthen the Britton and Norwich learning community by increasing shared experiences, from Kindergarten through graduation.


  • Consolidate developmental grade level bands into two instructional programs
  • All students in grades K-2 housed at Britton Elementary.
  • All students in grades 3-5 housed at Norwich Elementary.
  • Focus student support, instructional practices and professional development on respective grade-bands increasing the responsiveness of our educational program.


  • Britton and Norwich students would share a K-12 experience.
  • Balanced special education programming across the campus.
  • Increased options for student placement and gifted clustering.
  • Social-emotional learning that is targeted to support emotional regulation in grades K-2 and empathy in grades 3-5.
  • Support from instructional coaches and professional development will result in instruction that is more responsive to learning needs.


  • Zones of Regulation/Responsive Classroom
  • Design Thinking
  • Hilliard City Schools Math & Literacy Framework

Learn About The Process of Combining The Schools


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