11/2/22 Coach Beyond Assembly

Jaguar Families,

We are thrilled to host the Ohio State University’s LiFEsports team here on Wednesday, November 2nd at 3:30 PM in the PAC. LiFEsports, in partnership with the Ohio High School Athletic Association, is working to change the landscape of coach training in Ohio.  Coach Beyond, a series of eight coach education sessions, is designed to ensure Ohio’s coaches are ready to “coach beyond…”


Please visit this website for more information about the program and all of the benefits it provides: https://lifesports.osu.edu/what-we-do/teaching-learning/coach-beyond/.


Thank you and GO JAGS!


Bradley & Memorial Jaguar
Chad Bobek - Athletic Director | Justin Lemmermen - Asst. Athletic Director | Christal Morrison - Secretary

Bradley High School | 2800 Walker Road | Hilliard, OH 43026

Phone: (614) 921-7430 | Fax: (614) 921-7431
