Preseason Parent Presentation
Please view the required presentation below on preseason information from OHSAA and specifically Hilliard Bradley athletics.
OHSAA Preseason Parent/Player Meeting Fall 2024
Aaron Stecker – 8 Tips to being a Great Athletic Parent
The Emergency Medical Information, Travel Permit, Athletic Handbook Acknowledgement, and Concussion Acknowledgement are no longer paper forms. You and your athlete electronically “sign-off” on these documents via the parent’s and athlete’s Final Forms account. Physicals must be uploaded through the parent’s Final Forms account by using the small folder at the top right — only pages Physical Exam Form and Medical Eligibility Form are required to be uploaded.
Schedule your athlete’s physical now and be set for the entire upcoming school year! Find the physical form by clicking here. Upload two pages (Physical Exam Form and Medical Eligibility Form) to Final Forms by logging into the parent’s Final Forms account, then clicking the small black folder at the top right.
PARENTS: In order for athletes to participate, all of the following must take place. **Physicals must be updated prior to participation. Upload two forms from the physical — Physical Exam Form and Medical Eligibility Form — to the parent’s Final Forms account (paper physicals will not be accepted). **Both athlete and a parent/guardian must sign all forms in Final Forms. **Participation Fees can be paid beginning August 1 (Fall), November 1 (Winter) or March 1 (Spring) through your MyPaymentsPlus account (check or cash will not be accepted). All athletes, including free lunch, must complete the payment process through MyPaymentsPlus. Free lunch must check out through MyPaymentsPlus by paying $0 (free lunch) payment. Fees must be paid prior to the first competition. ATHLETES MAY NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE COMPETITIVE SEASON UNTIL ALL OF THE ABOVE IS COMPLETED.
Athletic Department 
Athletic Director: Chad Bobek
Assistant Athletic Director: Justin Lemmermen
Athletic Secretary: Christal Morrison
Athletic Training:
Athletic Trainer: Justin D. Budd, MA, ATC, CSCS
Athletic Trainer: Brianne Benson, MS, AT
Athletic Trainer: Michelle Skaggs, AT
Hilliard Bradley Athletic Training Room 
Room PE120A (next to weight room)
Enter outside door B10 and go left
Office: 614-921-7427 Fax: 614-921-7431
Hilliard Memorial Athletic Training
Room 152
Office: 614-921-7650 Fax: 614-921-7431
Team Physician:
Dr. Austen Musick
OhioHealth Hilliard Health Center
4343 All Seasons Drive, Suite 100
Hilliard, Ohio 43026
Twitter and Instagram @HBHS_SportsMed