Darby/Heritage Athletics COVID-19 Information

COVID-19 – What to do if your athlete tests positive.

1. Please email and let the athletic trainers know that your son or daughter test positive. Please include in the email:
a. The date that their symptoms started.
b. List their symptoms?

Darby High School Athletes – email both Alex Huffman (alex.huffman@ohiohealth.com) and Thad Apel (thad_apel@hboe.org)

Heritage Middle School Athletes – email Courtney Basinger (courtney_basinger@hboe.org)

2. Set up a doctor’s appointment for at least 10 days after symptoms started and take the following required clearance form to get signed by the doctor.
3. Bring in the signed clearance form to your athletic trainer.
4. Complete your return to play protocol with the trainer and then you will be cleared to join your team again.

COVID-19 Return to Activity Clearance Form

Click here for Activity Clearance Form

Chris Ludban - Athletic Director | Jay Smith - Assistant Athletic Director | Regan Fabb - Secretary

Darby High School | 4200 Leppert Road | Hilliard, OH 43026 | Phone: (614) 921-7330 | Fax: (614) 921-7331


© 2025 Darby High School // Heritage Middle School Athletics