Weaver Middle School Fall Practice/tryouts times for all fall sports:
Please note, all athletes must be registered in Final Forms and have a valid OHSAA athletic physical uploaded to their Final Forms account. You must have the physical uploaded in order to try out for any sport. This is an OHSAA and ODE rule, NO EXCEPTIONS! Here is the link to the ‘Parents’ tab on the Weaver/Davidson Athletic page.
Click on the large Final Forms logo and follow the instructions. Also, please make sure you choose the fall sport you would like to tryout or participate in. As soon as you choose that sport, all communication for that sport will go to you and your child automatically. Coaches have been instructed to send all communication through Final Forms as well.
WMS FB– Aug. 1st through Aug. 9th- 8-10:30 AM. All athletes must complete their 5 day acclimation period. You must complete that 5 day period before you can start to have contact drills. After that, coaches will have a calendar for the team for the rest of the season. This is a non-cut sport. Head Coaches Ighnat (8th) & DeRee (7th)
WMS CC- Aug. 1st through Aug. 9th- 8-9 AM. After that 1st week, coaches will have a calendar for the team. Cross Country has a girls team and a boys team. We have 1 head coach for both teams and assistants for each team. This is a non-cut sport. Head Coach Dawes
WMS GTN– Aug. 1st through Aug. 7th- 3-4:30 PM at WMS Tennis Courts. Coach Banyots is a computer tech person for our district and his schedule will vary in those early weeks for district activities. Coach Banyots will communicate with families about changes in practice schedule. Head Coach Banyots
WMS Cheer– Tryouts for cheer will be July 22nd & 23rd from 4-7 on Weaver MS Track. Practice schedules when Aug. 1st rolls around will be communicated with girls that make the team through the coaches. Head Coaches Kozman (8th) & Painter (7th)
WMS GVB- Aug. 1st through Aug. 3rd will be tryouts. Times will be in the morning. 7th & 8th grade will start tryouts on Aug. 1st from 8-10 AM. Friday Aug. 2nd, 7:30 AM to 9:15 AM, with 1st cuts happening at the end of practice on that date. Sat. Aug. 3rd, 8:30 AM to 10 AM with final team cuts and team selections on that morning. Both gyms will be utilized at Weaver on these mornings. The remaining practice schedule for the month of Aug. will be from 8-10 AM from Aug. 5th through Aug. 15th. Coaches will share out a calendar for when school starts and when each team will practice. Head Coaches Rundio (8th), Ewen (7th), & Roland (Flex)
WMS Gymnastics- A parent meeting will be held at Fliptastics! Gymnastics on July 21st at 4:30 p.m. Practices will start on Aug. 1st and typically practices are held at Fliptastics! location starting at 3:00 or immediately after school. Depending upon number of girls from each MS, we may be able to transport to Fliptastics!, but that will be determined by the Transportation Dept. This is a non-cut sport. Head Coach Grier
WMS Golf- Tryouts for MS boys golf will happen on Aug. 1st & Aug. 2nd at Thorn Apple Golf Course. Times will be 8:00 AM for tee off for both days of tryouts. Tryouts for MS girls golf will be Aug. 1st & 2nd at Rolling Meadows Golf Club. Unfortunately, we do not have any tee times from Rolling Meadows yet. Please contact our golf coaches for any more questions regarding tryouts. Kids involved in both boys & girls tryouts will have to pay the green fees for tryouts. Coaches will verify the cost and get that to you all. Head Coaches Stimmel (B) & Estes (G)
WMS Soccer– We are currently in need of both a boys & girls soccer coach and actively looking. Typically soccer will have tryouts on Aug. 1st in the evening. One team will start at around 5:00 PM and then another team comes in at/around 6:30 or 7:00. Once we have coaches for our teams, we will communicate that out along with tryout times for each team. Weaver will have 1 team each, boys & girls. This is a cut sport, we typically keep anywhere from 15-22 kids per team. Head Coaches- TBD