

Media Rules & Credentials

Credential requests must be submitted by the assigning sports editor or sports director. Please make only ONE submission per the news agency, so plan your coverage, and include all requests for credentials in one call. The assigning editor/photo editor should call the Athletic Director of the school you wish to cover.

Locker rooms are not open to media. To request an interview after a game contact the head coach or Athletic Director. Students shall not be interviewed without parental consent.

Media and spectators taking photographs or videos may not interfere with the view of this contest by other spectators, nor may they take additional space in seats that have been purchased. In addition, all photographs and videos taken by spectators at this event are for personal use only. The use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones) is prohibited at all events in Hilliard City Schools. Hilliard City Schools reserves the right to remove offenders from this contest and invoke additional penalties.

Davidson & Weaver Wildcat
Nathan Bobek - Athletic Director | Jay Cauley - Assistant Athletic Director | Lori Bruce - Secretary

Davidson High School | 5100 Davidson Road | Hilliard, OH 43026

Phone: (614) 921-7230 | Fax: (614) 921-7231
