Davidson Live Stream- High School Athletic Events

For those of you that cannot make our home games at Davidson HS, we are offering a live stream option for the following fall sports:  Soccer, Football, & Girls Volleyball.  

Hilliard Davidson Varsity Athletics live stream available for purchase through T1Sports, powered by HudlTV. Help support Wildcat Athletics & watch the games from the comfort of your own home.  

Cost is $10.00 per game/event & all you have to do is click on the link below, select Hilliard Davidson High School and then select the sport that you want to watch.  

Davidson Athletics Live Stream

Thank you for supporting Wildcat Athletics!                                                     Go CATS!

Davidson & Weaver Wildcat
Nathan Bobek - Athletic Director | Jay Cauley - Assistant Athletic Director | Lori Bruce - Secretary

Davidson High School | 5100 Davidson Road | Hilliard, OH 43026

Phone: (614) 921-7230 | Fax: (614) 921-7231
