Winter Tryout dates and Open Gym times for Basketball- Boys & Girls

We have some information for all parents/players interested in trying out for boys and girls basketball at Weaver MS this winter.  The official start date for MS basketball is set for Friday Oct. 27th per OHSAA.  Our MS OCC League has petitioned OHSAA to allow for boys basketball to start on the 27th as well due to wrestling starting a week later.  Any kids cut from basketball, are encouraged to head to wrestling tryouts if they are interested in being a part of a team.  Basketball is a roster limit sport and we can only keep 15 players per team per OHSAA.  What our coaches decide will ultimately be up to them, but typically it will be about 10 -14 per team.  

Girls Basketball:

Open Gym Date- Tuesday Oct. 24th from 3-4:30. There will be a quick meeting with girls before open gym starts about upcoming tryouts.

TRYOUT DATES: GBK- Friday Oct. 27th from 3:00- 4:30. 8th grade in Main Gym, 7th grade in Aux. Gym. Saturday Oct. 28th from 9:00- 11:00, &  Monday Oct. 30th 3:00- 5:00, same set up as Friday.  Team selection will happen after tryouts on Monday.

Boys Basketball: 

Open Gym Dates- Sunday Oct. 8th 4-5:30, Monday Oct. 9th 6-7:30, Sunday Oct. 15th 4-5:30, Monday Oct. 16th 6-7:30, Sunday Oct. 22nd 4-5:30,  & Monday Oct. 23rd 6-7:30.  8th grade will be in Main Gym and 7th grade will be in Aux. Gym.

TRYOUT DATES: BBKSunday Oct. 29th 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM– 8th grade from 3-4:30 & 7th grade from 4:30-6:00.  Monday Oct. 30th 5:30-8:30 PM– 7th grade 5:30- 7:00 & 8th grade 7-8:30, **Tuesday Oct. 31st – 3-5 PM at Davidson Field House**This date and time is pending due to Trick or Treat events that evening.  Date, time, and location may change.  Coaches will inform the kids of any changes.  We will have a Flex team again this year for boys due to the high number of student-athletes trying out.  Currently we are over 72 players trying out total.  

Reminders for winter season:

ALL athletes MUST have a valid OHSAA physical uploaded to their Final Forms account before tryouts start.  If you miss a day of tryouts there will not be a make up date due to a missing physical.  Please make sure you get those physicals uploaded for our trainers to approve.   Please click on the link here to access Final Forms.

Please make sure all forms are signed as well, by both parents and students.  You will notice anything in red/yellow needs attention, and anything in green indicates it has been taken care of and is in good standing. 

Participation fees- the date that winter sports may start to pay winter fees does not open until Nov. 1st.  Please make sure you are not trying to pay any fees prior to the Nov. 1st date.  All fees can be paid on the MyPaymentsPlus website.   

Schedules for Basketball, both boys and girls, will be completed by the end of the day, Monday Oct. 9th,  on the website.  The Flex Boys schedule is still in progress and may have some changes, but we will post what we have as of Oct. 9th.  

Practice times for both Boys and Girls teams:  After tryouts are completed for each team and team selection has occurred, this is the tentative practice times for each team, subject to change once wrestling starts.   

  • 7th & 8th grade girls basketball- 3- 6PM — typically 7th grade goes from 3-4:30 and then 8th grade goes from 4:30 to 6 in the Main Gym for both teams.  
  • 7th & 8th grade boys basketball- 5:30- 8:30PM — typically 7th grade goes from 5:30 -7:00 in the Aux. Gym and then 8th grade goes from 7-8:30 in the Main Gym.  Flex times will be determined at a later date with coach and gym availability.  
  • Wrestling typically practices from 3-5 in the Aux. Gym daily.  They need about 15 minutes before and after for set up and tear down of mats, etc.  More to come on this as well.  
Davidson & Weaver Wildcat
Nathan Bobek - Athletic Director | Jay Cauley - Assistant Athletic Director | Lori Bruce - Secretary

Davidson High School | 5100 Davidson Road | Hilliard, OH 43026

Phone: (614) 921-7230 | Fax: (614) 921-7231
