Gifted Identification
Ohio Gifted Definition
Children in grades kindergarten through 12th may be identified as gifted in Ohio when they perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment in comparison with other children of the same age, experience, and environment, as described in the Ohio Revised Code 3324.03 and in Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-15. A gifted child may exhibit one or more of these abilities: superior cognitive ability; specific academic ability in mathematics, reading, writing, or a combination of those skills, science, and/or social studies; creative thinking ability; and/or visual or performing arts ability.
Data Review Process
When district-wide ability and/or achievement testing is completed at any grade level, results are reviewed by the Gifted Services office to determine if students meet criteria for gifted identification, or if they meet criteria for screening and additional assessment. Parents will be notified of results through School Messenger. A list of assessment instruments and scores used for screening and identification may be found electronically at the Gifted Services website.
Testing and Referral Process
The district provides multiple testing opportunities each year to identify gifted students, including whole grade-level screenings and small group assessments. Please see the chart below for upcoming testing opportunities for the 24-25 year. Referrals for fall testing will be posted in early September. A referral form is not required for the whole grade-level assessments. Referral links will be posted in late December 2024 and early January 2025 for the small group testing sessions offered during the second semester. Tests used by the district for the purpose of gifted identification must be selected from the approved assessment list provided by the Ohio Department of Education.
The testing and referral process are designed to ensure equal access to screening and further assessment by all district students, including culturally or linguistically diverse students, students from low socioeconomic backgrounds, students with disabilities, and students for whom English is a second language. The testing process also ensures accurate measurement of the ability and achievement of students with physical and/or sensory impairments.
Students may be referred for gifted assessments by teacher, parents, by self-referral, or by others with knowledge of the child’s abilities. Anyone completing a referral may request a consultation with Gifted Services staff to discuss the child’s profile of abilities and characteristics. Referrals are reviewed and processed by the department prior to the assessment to determine if an individual assessment is required and whether tests must be administered in a language other than English in order to fairly determine a child’s eligibility for identification.
Gifted Testing Fall 2024
Purpose | Test Name | Grade
Level |
Referral Link
(Only needed for small group testing) |
Referral Deadline | Administration
Window |
Reading Achievement | STAR | 3-8 | N/A | N/A | Sept 3-Sept 20 |
Cognitive Ability | NNAT3 | 4 | N/A | N/A | Sept 16-Sept 27 |
Reading Achievement | iReady | 2 | Fall 2nd Grade READING 24-25 | Sept 20 | Oct 1-17 |
Math Achievement | iReady | 3/4/5 | Fall MATH Grades 3/4/5 24-25 | Sept 20 | Oct 1-17 |
Cognitive Ability | CogAT | K/1/2/3/5 | Fall COGNITIVE Grades K/1/2/3/4/5 24-25 | Oct 11 | Oct 28-Nov 8 |
Achievement |
iReady | 6 | N/A | N/A | Nov 11-22 |
Math Achievement | iReady | 2 | N/A | N/A | Nov 11-22 |
Gifted Testing Winter/Spring 2025
Purpose | Test Name | Grade
Level |
Referral Link
(Only needed for small group testing) |
Referral Deadline | Administration
Window |
Reading Achievement | STAR | 3-8 | N/A | N/A | Dec 2-19 |
Cognitive Ability | NNAT3 | 2-5 | Hilliard City Schools Gifted Testing Referral Form WINTER COGNITIVE Grades 2/3/4/5 24-25 | Jan 10 | Jan 21-31 |
Cognitive Ability | NNAT3 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Jan 21-31 |
Math Achievement | iReady | 2-5 | Hilliard City Schools Gifted Testing Referral Form WINTER MATH Grades 3/4/5 24-25 | Jan 31 | Feb 10-28 |
Achievement |
iReady | 2 | Hilliard City Schools Gifted Testing Referral Form WINTER 2nd Grade READING 24-25 | Jan 31 | Feb 10-28 |
Achievement |
STAR | 3-8 | N/A | N/A | March 10-28 |
Cognitive Ability | NNAT3 | K-5 | Will be posted in March! |
May 5-16 |
Transfer Students and Out-of-District Testing
For gifted children transferring into the district, if additional testing is required to determine the student’s eligibility for services, it will be conducted as soon as possible, but at least within 90 days of the transfer.
The district accepts test scores provided by other school districts and/or by trained personnel outside the district, such as licensed psychologists and school psychologists. Tests must be those approved for use in the identification of gifted students by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE). A list of tests approved by ODE for use in gifted identification is available from the Gifted Services office and on the Ohio Department of Education website.
Parent Notification
Parents are notified via School Messenger of test results and of their child’s eligibility for gifted identification and services. The child’s school is also notified and a record of gifted identification is placed in the child’s cumulative file.
Appeal Process
If there is a disagreement about test results, student identification, and/or eligibility for services, parents may request a case review conference with the school principal and/or the Coordinator of Gifted Services. If issues remain, parents may make a written request that the Superintendent conduct an administrative review of the case.