Gifted Services

The Hilliard City School District provides specific services during the school day for students who are identified as gifted. Services are delivered in accordance with Ohio Revised Code, Ohio Administrative Code, and Hilliard School District policies. Gifted Services staff members also consult with curriculum staff and teachers about classroom differentiation for gifted students.

Services provided to gifted students are designed to extend the depth, pace, and breadth of the district’s curriculum. Within these services, students are encouraged to more deeply explore themes within specific disciplines or subject areas, as well as themes that cut across disciplinary boundaries. In addition, students apply their advanced reasoning and problem solving skills, and explore topics that reflect the unique social and emotional characteristics of gifted students.

A Written Education Plan (WEP) guides services provided to gifted students and is developed in collaboration with an educator who holds licensure or endorsement in gifted education. It includes information about the services provided, annual goals, progress monitoring, staff members responsible for ensuring that specified gifted services are delivered, and date of WEP review. Parents receive a copy of the WEP.

Parents who desire to withdraw their child from gifted services should submit a statement in writing requesting to withdraw to their childs building administrator.


Grades Two through Five
Students identified as gifted in superior cognitive ability, reading, and/or math are provided gifted services in their regular classroom through cluster grouping, where a small group of students who are gifted is deliberately placed together in a classroom. The general education teacher is designated as the provider of gifted services and receives specialized training in gifted education. A gifted intervention specialist works closely with the general education teacher to design and deliver appropriately challenging learning activities.

The Arrow Program

What is…The Arrow Program:
The Arrow Program is a full-time option open to fourth and fifth grade students who are
gifted in 1) superior cognitive ability and 2) math and/or reading. Arrow Program
students participate in the fourth and fifth grade curriculum through flexibly grouped,
team-based instruction with emphasis on design thinking and project-based learning.
The Arrow Program is housed at Tharp Sixth Grade School, and Arrow students attend
Tharp on the sixth-grade schedule.

Arrow Program Timeline:
Ongoing – Testing by referral for gifted identification by March 1st of any given year
Early January – Current 4th Grade families will receive intent to return email.
End of January – Deadline for families of current Arrow fourth grade students to notify
Gifted Services of their decision whether or not to return to the Arrow Program for 5th

Early Feburary – Initial Arrow Invitations sent.

March 1 – Students must be identified gifted in all qualifying areas to participate in the
Arrow Program (Students must have a gifted cognitive ID and one or both academic IDs.).

Early March – Arrow Parent Information Night at Tharp Sixth Grade School.
Mid-March – Deadline for families of qualifying students to notify Gifted Services of
their decision whether or not to participate in the Arrow Program.

Arrow Staff:
Arrow teachers all hold an elementary teaching license and are credentialed and
endorsed Gifted Intervention Specialists. This means they have extensive training in
working with children who are identified as gifted learners. Additionally, they participate
in ongoing professional development related to gifted education.

Arrow Classrooms:
The program consists of 4 to 5 classrooms depending on student enrollment. Class
size also depends on enrollment. Students are flexibly grouped and 4th and 5th grade
students are sometimes in classes together depending on their academic need.
Students have the opportunity to receive instruction from all of the Arrow teachers.

Additional Arrow Program Details:
– Student’s grades/progress are reported quarterly (every nine weeks).
– Students receive art, music, PE and an additional elective throughout the year.
The same elective class is attended daily over the course of the nine-week
grading period, there is not a rotation throughout the week.
– Arrow students attend all elective classes and lunch/recess with only their Arrow
– Arrow students participate in school assemblies, school activities and any school
extra-curricular opportunities with Tharp.
– Tharp/Arrow PTO are one entity and the program is generously support by PTO.

Middle Grades

Grade Six
Students identified as gifted in superior cognitive ability and/or reading gifted services in Honors Language Arts will be provided to.
Gifted services in Honors Math 6 or Accelerated Math 7 will be provided to students identified as gifted in math or superior cognitive ability.

Grades Seven and Eight
The courses listed below are considered gifted services for students who have gifted identification in superior cognitive ability or the corresponding academic/arts area.

Honors Language Arts 7
Honors Language Arts 8

Honors Science 7
Honors Science 8

Social Studies
Honors Social Studies 7
Honors Social Studies 8

Accelerated Math 7
Algebra 1 (gifted service for grade 7 only)

Concert Orchestra (gifted service for grade 7 only)
Advanced Concert Orchestra
Symphonic Band (gifted service for grade 7 only)
Advanced Symphonic Band
Advanced Choir 8

Visual Art
Advanced Art 2D
Advanced Art 3D

High School

Advanced Placement and College Credit Plus
Advanced Placement (AP) and College Credit Plus (CCP) courses are considered gifted services for students who have gifted identification in superior cognitive ability or the corresponding academic area.

AP Courses

Computer Science A
Computer Science Principles

Calculus AB
Calculus BC
Computer Science A
Computer Science Principles

English Language
English Literature & Composition

Social Studies
European History
U.S. Government & Politics
U.S. History

Superior Cognitive Ability only

Visual and Performing Arts Courses

The courses listed below are considered gifted services for students who have gifted identification in superior cognitive ability or the corresponding arts area.

Chamber Orchestra
Honors Chamber Orchestra
Wind Ensemble
Honors Wind Ensemble
Choir 400
Honors Choir 400
Rock Band II

Visual Art
Art Portfolio
AP Studio Art Portfolio

Production and Performance

Ready For Tomorrow

Contact Us

David Stewart

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