Vision, Mission & Beliefs
Hilliard City Schools will ensure that every student is Ready For Tomorrow.
Hilliard City Schools will Embrace, Empower, and Inspire students, families, and the community in an active partnership.
Beliefs & Purpose
The purpose of the Hilliard City School District is to enable students to become productive citizens in an ever-changing world by providing them with quality work.
Quality work is meaningful, engaging, challenging, compelling and satisfying; and causes students to acquire knowledge and skills valued by both students and the community.
Students and their work are the focus of all school activities.
To develop all students’ potential, the Hilliard City School District will strive to provide them with quality work in a safe and caring environment.
The district will guide students in the pursuit of excellence in knowledge and skills and prepare them to become productive citizens in a democratic society.
The district will provide ongoing professional development for all staff, quality facilities, rich and abundant materials and up-to-date equipment essential to continuous student improvement.
A student’s value system begins with the family.
Partnerships between home, school, and community are essential to student success.
-Policy ADA, 2000