If you have questions or need information, please e-mail:
emily_way@hboe.org – Station
virginia_faulkner@hboe.org – Tharp
Both meetings are for Band & Orchestra! If you missed the parent meeting, check back here for video replays to watch of the presentations.
Make sure you sign up for a fitting appointment – we can give you all handouts you missed there!
- DATES: Monday, January 27th
- LOCATION: Tharp Sixth Grade Building
- TIME: 7PM in the Gymnasium
-Sorry for the technical difficulties! - TIME: 6:30PM
At the Parent Meeting you will learn about the Hilliard Orchestra program, the Sixth Grade Orchestra schedule, and how to go about renting a quality instrument. You will also have the chance to sign up for an Orchestra Fitting time if you have not already done so. Fitting appointments are REQUIRED. You you will learn about BAND and ORCHESTRA at both STATION and THARP during this meeting, so if your child hasn’t decided between instruments yet, this is a great way to get more information.
February 10th, 11th, and 13th
Click here to sign up for your fitting!
Monday & Tuesday February 3rd and 4th from 4-8pm
Click Here to sign up for your fitting!
You only need to sign up for one time slot for your orchestra fitting.
Fittings take 10-15 minutes each.
Make sure you schedule your appointment at your child’s 6th grade school.
If you are scheduling both a band and orchestra fitting on the same night,
schedule the orchestra fitting first as band fittings tend to take longer.
- QUESTIONS? Can’t find an appointment time you need?
- E-mail emily_way@hboe.org (Station) or virginia_faulkner@hboe.org (Tharp)
If your child has already decided what instrument to play, we will use the Fitting Session to “fit” your child with an appropriately sized instrument. Every instrument is made in a variety of sizes, so whatever instrument your child chooses, we can find one to fit him or her! We will be following approved district guidelines for sanitizing and space.
If your child is still undecided as to what instrument to play, the Fitting Session is a great opportunity to try out each instrument and make a decision. Your child’s Orchestra teacher will be there to help you with any questions you have, and to talk more in depth with you about the process of renting an instrument. As soon as you are ready, you will be able to call in or order an instrument online to be delivered to your child’s school in the fall.
You may sign up for both band and orchestra fittings. Please check the schedule as there are not always orchestra fittings on the same night as band fittings. If you schedule both in one evening, schedule your Orchestra fitting FIRST as those take less time.
Instruments Providers
Music and Arts
Rettig Music
- Rettig: Rent-to-Own Informational Video: https://bit.ly/38I08ic
- Rettig: Rent-to-Own Informational Website: www.rettigmusic.com/rentingmadeeasy
Buckeye Brass and Winds
Kincaid’s Music
Obtaining an instrument from family and friends can be a very affordable way to find one. For those obtaining a pre-owned instrument, please have the instrument checked by a quality technician (allow several weeks just in case) to ensure proper working condition, especially if it has not been played in several years. Also, obtain the necessary supplies that are needed for your chosen instrument. Contact a local music store for repair information and supplies.
Step 3: Registration
Students will need to know which instrument they have chosen when registering for Orchestra!
For information will come from your child’s elementary school about the registration process.
Questions To Ask Instrument Provider
- What monthly rental options do you offer?
- What accessories come with the monthly rental (i.e. book, music stand, reeds, valve oil, cleaning cloth/supplies)?
- How many months do I rent until it is paid off?
- Can I pay it off early, and if so, is there a discount?
- What is included in the maintenance plan while I am renting?
- How long does it take for most repairs? Do you provide a loaner instrument while it is being repaired?
- If I decide to switch instruments or trade in for an upgrade, what percentage of my payments will go toward the new instrument?
What if I cannot attend the parent meeting?
Can my son/daughter still participate in the band/strings program?
Yes. The Zoom Meeting recording will be posted on the home page. We encourage you to watch that video at your convenience. Remember to sign up for a fitting (see the “fitting’ link to the left), and contact Nicole Brocke (Tharp) or Diana Nicklas (Station) if you have any questions
I have older children who have gone through the program.
Do I still need to attend the parent meeting?
We encourage you to attend the meeting or watch the post zoom recording as there are some small changes each year. If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Brocke (Tharp) or Diana Nicklas (Station).
If you are unable to attend, just make sure you watch the video which will be posted 48 hours later.
We already have an instrument at home. Do we need to attend the parent meeting and/or sign up for a “fitting”?
We strongly encourage all parents to attend the meeting if possible to get all of the information about the Hilliard Band Program. We also encourage you to sign up for a “fitting”. You can use this time to make sure that your instrument is in good working condition and will be a good “fit” for your child. **ALL students registering for percussion MUST complete a fitting. Percussionists will be selected based on fitting success and behavior recommendations from previous teachers.
If my child does not take band in sixth grade, can he/she join band in seventh grade?
The beginning instrumental program is only offered in sixth grade. If a student wants to join in seventh grade or later during the sixth grade year, he/she will be required to take private lessons to catch up on the missed materials before joining the group.
Can my child participate in both band AND orchestra?
Learning an instrument takes a lot of time and commitment. You will only be able to choose ONE instrument. Band and Orchestra are both full year electives. You are welcome to schedule fittings for both band & orchestra to help make your decision! SOME students are able to fit both Band and Choir, or Orchestra and Choir in their schedule, depending on their needs.
My child has previous experience on his/her instrument. Will he/she be bored in orchestra?
We have a handful of students each year who have been taking private lessons on their instrument prior to joining the 6th grade orchestra. During the registration process you will be able to let us know if this is the case, and we will be in contact near the start of the school year to let you know how we plan to accommodate these students. We strive to appropriately challenge every student!
My child has a disability. Will they be able to participate?
Please contact caitlin_bartholic@hboe.org (Tharp) or emily_way@hboe.org (Station) if you have any specific concerns. We do our best to accommodate all students, regardless of disability or need. Any student who is interested should definitely consider joining! We can plan to spend some extra time at your fitting appointment to see which option may be best..
How do I get an instrument? Is it expensive?
When you attend the Parent Meeting and Fitting Sessions we will give you information on how to rent an instrument. We do not recommend buying an instrument. Our local rental programs make it easy to “rent to own” an instrument. Please attend the Parent Meeting and Fitting Session for more information! If you are unable to afford an instrument at this time, please contact caitlin_bartholic@hboe.org (Tharp) or emily_way@hboe.org (Station) to see what options may be available to you. We will do our best to make sure every student who has a desire to play an instrument has the opportunity to do so.
What is the difference between band and orchestra?
The instruments – orchestra includes violin, viola, cello, and bass. Band and orchestra classes are structured very similarly and about the same number of concerts, etc. The biggest difference is that in high school there is a marching band, but no marching orchestra
If my child plays cello or bass, do they have to bring it back and forth to school every day?
We have a supply of school owned cellos and basses that are kept at the school for student use. Your home rental instrument can remain at home except for our concert nights. You will be able to fill out this paperwork at school orientation in the fall.
We already have an instrument at home. Do we need to attend the parent meeting and/or sign up for a “fitting”?
We strongly encourage all parents to attend the meeting if possible to get all of the information about the Hilliard Band Program. We also encourage you to sign up for a “fitting”. You can use this time to make sure that your instrument is in good working condition and will be a good “fit” for your child. **ALL students registering for percussion MUST complete a fitting. Percussionists will be selected based on fitting success and behavior recommendations from previous teachers.
If my child does not take band in sixth grade, can he/she join band in seventh grade?
The beginning instrumental program is only offered in sixth grade. If a student wants to join in seventh grade or later during the sixth grade year, he/she will be required to take private lessons to catch up on the missed materials before joining the group.
The Parent Meeting
At the Parent Meeting you will learn about the Hilliard Orchestra program, the Sixth Grade Orchestra schedule, and how to go about renting a quality instrument. You will also have the chance to sign up for an Orchestra Fitting time if you have not already done so. Fitting appointments are REQUIRED. You you will learn about BAND and ORCHESTRA at both STATION and THARP during this meeting, so if your child hasn’t decided between instruments yet, this is a great way to get more information.
- What if I cannot “attend” the parent meeting? Can my son/daughter still participate in the band/orchestra program?
Yes. Please read through the information on this website and watch the video of the parent meeting, sign up for a fitting (see the “fitting’ link to the left), and contact Caitlin Bartholic (caitlin_bartholic@hboe.org – THARP) or Emily Way (emily_way@hboe.org – STATION) if you have any questions - I have older children who have gone through the program. Do I still need to attend the parent meeting?
As the registration process for each school is always changing, we encourage all parents to attend the meeting if possible. Either way please make sure you sign up for a fitting appointment! - We already have an instrument at home. Do we need to attend the parent meeting and/or sign up for a “fitting”?
We strongly encourage all parents to attend the meeting if possible to get all of the information about the Hilliard Orchestra Program. We also encourage you to sign up for a “fitting”. You can use this time to make sure that your instrument is in good working condition and will be a good “fit” for your child. Fittings are also a great chance to get to know the Hilliard Orchestra Directors and ask any questions you might have.