Hilliard City Schools | Ready for Tomorrow
  1. Be prepared to participate EVERY DAY!
  2. Bring all necessary equipment to class for each rehearsal:
    instrument, binder, band book, pencil, iPad, and a positive attitude.
  3. Be in assigned seat by the end of the timer.
  4. Take care of instruments, music, and room equipment.
  5. Musicians need to be able to see, be seen, and hear during class. This is an essential part of the music learning process:
    a. Cell phones are to be zipped in bags during class.
    b. Hats are to be removed and hoods are to be down during class.
    c. Earbuds are to be removed and zipped into bags during class.
  6. Avoid choking:  No gum, candy, or food.
  7. Students should be good citizens who practice the following:
    a.  Respect for self, peers, and teachers
    b.  Attentiveness
    c.  Consistent Effort
    d.  Ability to work well with others
  8. Try your best each day.
  9.  Take care of each other.
  10. Be willing to risk. Risk making mistakes. Risk looking silly. Risk doing the right thing no matter who is looking. Your risk will lead to reward.

If you are going to make a mistake…
Make it big.
Make it bold.
Make it loud.
Make it proud.







Ready For Tomorrow

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David Stewart

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