Since band is a performance art, concerts culminate our daily work. Each member’s contribution to the overall performance is important. Therefore, it is imperative that all members attend schedule performances. Please take the time to add concert dates to your calendar now.
Concert Dates
All WMS Band Events are listed on the 2024-2025 Schedule of Events.
Concert Attire
Concert dress will consist of: white shirt, black pants, black socks, and black shoes.
Students are permitted to add a tie/scarf (royal blue, black, gray, and/or white) to the uniform.
Concert Attendance
Attendance at concerts is mandatory! Conflict with work or out of school activities will not be excused. This includes club sports. Only illness or emergency situations deemed valid by the director will excuse a student from a performance without appropriate notice. In these cases, a note must be brought in to the director the day after the concert or as soon as the student returns to school. The director is not required to accept late notes, and those absences can be considered unexcused.