2021/22 School Year Commitment and Scheduling

2021/22 School Year Commitment and Scheduling

As we begin the process to prepare for the 2021/22 school year, we know our families have many questions.  This information is for all parents/guardians, whether your student is attending in person or in the Online Academy.

Below are the steps you and your student will go through for each grade level.  Here are a few important things to remember for all ages:

  1. 2021/22 School Year Commitments are for the entire school year. You will not have the option of choosing a half year or switching between programs.
  2. The 2021/22 School Year Commitment forms will be sent out on April 5. The only parents/guardians that need to fill out the Commitment Form are those enrolling their students in the Online Academy.  The deadline to enroll in the Online Academy is April 9.
  3. Teachers at the secondary level will be providing students with course recommendations in Home Access. You can email your teacher if you have questions about their recommendation.
  4. Before making the commitment to the Online Academy year be sure to review the available course offerings. NOT ALL SECONDARY CLASSES ARE OFFERED IN THE ONLINE ACADEMY.

Please remember as we go through the next several weeks our principals, teachers, and counselors are all available to help your family every step of the way.

All Incoming 9th-12th Grade Students

  • An information video will be posted on the High School web pages beginning March 1.
  • Students entering grade 9 will select courses March 1-9 in HomeAccess.
  • Students entering grades 10, 11, and 12 will select courses March 10-26.
  • You will be selecting both the course type and location, whether in the building or in the Online Academy. REMEMBER, NOT ALL CLASSES ARE OFFERED IN THE ONLINE ACADEMY.
  • If you want to pursue college classes as an alternative to a world language, AP, or Honors course, you need to email Tom_Woodford@hboe.org to explore the options. A College Credit Plus Intent Form will also need to be filled out.
  • The week of April 5-9 all parents/guardians will need to fill out the 2021/22 School Year Commitment form with your decision for the entire school year.

All Incoming 6th-8th Grade Students

  • Each Sixth Grade and Middle School will host Parent/Guardian information nights, those dates will be sent out next week.
  • Students entering grade 8 will make course selections in HomeAccess March 9-16
  • Students entering grade 7 will make course selections in HomeAccess March 17-26
  • Students entering grade 6 will make course selections in HomeAccess March 15-26
  • Full-time Online Academy students will be allowed to take Band, Choir, and Orchestra classes only in their home school. Transportation to school for these individual classes is the responsibility of the parents/guardians.
  • The week of April 5-9 all parents/guardians will need to fill out the 2021/22 School Year Commitment form with your decision for the entire 2021/22 school year.

All Incoming Kindergarten through 5th Grade Students

There are no course selections for our elementary students so the only thing parents/guardians need to do is fill out the 2021/22 School Year Commitment Form the week of April 5-9.  You will indicate whether your student/s will attend In-Person classes or the Online Academy for the entire 2021/22 school year.

There will be no Preschool Online Academy option.

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