April 13 SAT Testing for Juniors Only – students not testing will be remote learning from home.
April 14 Make Up Picture Day
April 15 US History and Government Testing – students not testing will be remote learning from home.
April Testing – SAT / State (AIR) Testing
Due to the SAT (Juniors Only) and State Testing (AIR / End of Course Tests), there are multiple testing dates in April. On the following days in April, only students who ARE testing will report to Bradley High School at 7:40 AM.
For students who are NOT testing, we will have “at home learning” (remote learning). There will be academic tasks posted in Canvas. (No formal Zooms due to proctoring.)
All Juniors will have the opportunity to take the SAT at Bradley High School on April 13. Students need to report at 7:40 AM. All students (freshmen, sophomores, and seniors) who are NOT testing, will be learning “at home” (remote learning) through Canvas. Please see Canvas for room assignment details.
Below is additional information that will be helpful on both test day and leading up to test day. Please contact our school counselor’s office for additional questions or clarification. Students will NOT need to register individually; we will register students at the district level directly with SAT. (If a student is in the class of 2022, but is currently not Grade 11 status in Home Access – they are not currently signed up to take the test. Please communicate with your school counselor if you are in this situation.)
- This SAT will be administered digitally – please bring your iPad CHARGED and updated to the latest operating system. In addition, students should have proper identification with them. (Current school ID, driver’s license, state ID, etc.)
- All SAT test security measures will be in place for this state assessment. Students should be prepared to turn off all cell phones in the testing location. Students who are found to be in violation of the “No Cell Phone” rule may have their phone confiscated and face additional discipline consequences.
- A portion of the pre-administration will allow students to choose up to four colleges they would like their scores to be sent.
- Students should plan to bring an SAT approved calculator to the test administration. (Calculator information linked here.)
- Students should be able to see their scores from the state administration in their SAT College Board account approximately 4 weeks from the test date.
All juniors should have received an “SAT Student Guide” through their English classes at Bradley. If you have not received a guide, you can stop by the Guidance Office for a copy. Also, you can access it online here: https://digitaltesting.collegeboard.org/pdf/sat-student-guide-digital-testing.pdf
Please check the College Board website for specific questions: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/
We believe in YOU! Go Jags!
Important Note:
If students have their own transportation, they may leave after the designated testing time on each testing day in April. If they do not have their own transportation, buses will run at their regular time and they will have a study hall in the commons.
Check out the important dates for seniors below. THESE ARE ALL SUBJECT TO CHANGE – all updated information will be sent to students via Canvas.
Also, CLICK HERE if you missed the senior class meeting before Spring Break.
It is important to check your child’s progress academically. Below are some helpful tips to help you look at grades.
- When monitoring student grades, please use Home Access Center as your final point of reference. Although many assignments and scores can be found in Canvas, Home Access Center is still the definitive source for your child’s grade (unless Online Academy)
For monitoring student submissions and feedback in Canvas, we strongly recommend parents use the hilliard.instructure.com website over both the Student and Parent apps to check student work. When signing in, please use your parent Home Access credentials, and NOT your student’s. We DO NOT recommend using the Canvas Parent app at all.
It is recommended parents examine each assignment submission in Canvas for feedback and grading specifics. You can check to see if the assignment submission has any comments from the teacher, and/or any feedback written directly onto the assignment.
When viewing grades in Canvas (in each course your student is enrolled), there is a box on the right side of the screen that says, “Calculate based only on graded assignments.” By default, this box is checked. One way to get a clearer picture of your student’s performance is to uncheck that box. *If a teacher has published assignments that have yet to be assigned or graded, these are reflected in the unchecked box view (see below)
As always, for any specific grade questions please reach out to the individual teacher(s)
Attention parents/guardians and loved ones of a graduating senior, are you trying to find the perfect way to express your love, pride, or just sheer congratulations to a special senior upon his/her/their graduation? Or maybe you’re a senior who wants to say good-bye to someone? The Bradley Yearbook Staff has just the thing! Place a wish ad in the yearbook! Orders are due Friday, May 7th, 2021. Check out options and order details on our website at https://sites.google.com/hilliardschools.org/bradleyyearbook/wish-ads?authuser=0.
Check out the COUNSELING TEAM WEBSITE. Also, there is a lot of information on your “Class Of” Canvas page to assist you with any counseling needs. The TEAM is here for YOU!
Summer Bridge Program Update and Save the Date
This summer, the district will host academic and enrichment opportunities for grades K-8, as well as traditional summer school for high school credit. Details of the new Bridge program will be shared on our district website on Friday, April 16 as well as student registration. It is important to note that we will have limited capacity based on staffing and this is only for students in the Hilliard City School District.
High School – First Session: June 1-June 11; Second Session: June 14-June 25 In order to meet contact hours required by the Ohio Department of Education, Physical Education classes will run from June 1-July 9
Kindergarten through 8th Grade – First Session: June 7-18; Second Session: July 19-30
More details will be coming, but please note these important dates and keep watching the district and school eNews.
Ready for Tomorrow Career and College Expo
Please make plans to attend our virtual Ready for Tomorrow Career and College Expo on April 21 from 5-6:30pm. Students, parents, and community members will have the opportunity to learn about options for students after college, including career pathways, job readiness, tuition assistance and more. There will also be career options for parents and immediate job openings for those looking for a new career. More details will come in April.