Friday, March 10, 2023
See new message in the Guidance Office section from Mr. Woodford.
Don’t miss out! Hilliard’s Spring Break 2024 tour to Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands is going to be an amazing adventure—and we want YOU to be there!
Join us on March 22 at 6:30PM in the Bradley HS Aux Commons – there are limited spots available so don’t miss your opportunity to reserve your seat. One parent must be in attendance.
Visit https://bit.ly/3YPZI0V and make sure to RSVP to the meeting TODAY.
You can view tour information at eftours.com/2575135TK to learn more! Enrollment is open.
Hilliard Bradley Is offering an amazing event to our students and staff on Friday, March 17, 2023, in the Media Center during all lunch periods 4-6. This is for ANY student who is curious about the military, US Space force as well as finance, security and other opportunities for our country.
Lunch will be provided, and a RSVP must be given in order to attend, and ensure our numbers are covered.
Please see Ms. Ysseldyke in the Media Center.
Per Sergeant Henderson- United States Air Force
Five airmen will be coming to Bradley HS to conduct a RAP (Recruiter’s Assistance Program). This will be an informational session where students have access to fresh airman, all from different career fields and some who have graduated locally from central Ohio.
The following Career Fields will be represented: Bomber Crew Chief (B1-B Bomber), Aerospace Ground Equipment, Finance, Security Forces (our military police), and one member of the US Space Force (Space Systems Operations).
Graduation Information
Seniors, please complete the Intent to Participate form for Graduation.
Intent to Participate (Schottenstein Center Ceremony)
Note: This form is due April 30, 2023.
Do you still need to order your cap & gown???
- PHONE: 1-800-JOSTENS (567-8367)
Riding a bus with a friend: At this time, transportation is still not allowing extra riders on our buses due to current capacity.
NO Food deliveries: Reminder that no food deliveries are allowed during the school day.
Remember to use the QR code if you need to see your guidance counselor.
Reminder to check out the Scholarship section in Schoolinks.
Local Scholarships are being added frequently.
All students who registered for College Jump Start, must return the two forms Mr. Woodford gave you to be scheduled in college courses. Please drop them off in the guidance office.
Art Club dates for second semester:
March 23
April 20
May 4
May 18
Diversity Club- pds. 4th, 5th and 6th
March 15
April 19
May 17
Film Club will be meeting Wednesdays in SC140.
Future Engineers
Continuing to meet in PA132, Tuesdays 2:45 – 3:45. Contact Mr. Armelie with any questions.
Future Medicals will continue to meet the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month.
Society of Women Engineers will meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday each month.
Interact Club Meetings: 2:40 – 3:15 PM in C285. It’s not too late to join!
March 23
April 20
May 11
Interested in playing intramural sports? Click the link below for information on upcoming sports, including what will be offered and the registration period for that sport!
Key Club meets in the Media Center on the 1st and 3rd Mondays after school when we have school. Join our club to support our school and greater community!
March 20
April 17
May 1
May 15
Girl’s Golf Team – Parent/Athlete Pre-Season Meeting on April 19, 2023 @ 6:30pm in the Aux. Commons. The Girl’s Golf season begins on August 1, 2023. At the meeting we will be discussing sports physicals, summer practice times, and the schedule for the season. Anyone interested in joining the Girl’s Golf team should attend.
Girl’s Golf Team – Team introduction luncheon on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 after exams at 11:15am in the Aux. Commons. Pizza, salad, chips and drinks will be available for lunch. Every girl interested or just thinking about joining the team should attend. See Coach West-McLinn in PA134 or fill out the google form if you are interested in joining the Girl’s Golf team next year (https://forms.gle/xZnryjCsC5ZnFjWF8)
Use the RSVP to the Luncheon link (https://forms.gle/4PEKFRV8T3pmqwdY9) to let me know you will be attending the luncheon.
We’ll have a friendly chipping contest outside for gift cards (weather permitting). I’m very excited to meet you and about planning for the upcoming season. Hope to see you soon!