Navigating Financial Uncertainties with Prudent Fiscal Management

Twice yearly, Ohio’s public schools must approve a 5-year financial forecast. Hilliard Schools’ latest forecast was approved on May 18, showing careful planning amidst potential revenue challenges. Here are some essential details: 


The Current Revenue Landscape

  • State Funding: The Fair School Funding Plan, enacted in 2021, aims for more equitable funding for Ohio schools. The state aid is determined based on 60% local property valuation and 40% household income. However, as the plan was only partially funded in the last budget cycle, it’s still uncertain what it will mean for Hilliard Schools. Early projections suggest flat state funding for our district.
  • House Bill 920: This 1976 law prevents districts from collecting increased funds even as property values rise. Despite this, Hilliard Schools has managed its funds wisely, not seeking additional operating money since 2016.
  • Inflation: Rising inflation rates put added pressure on school budgets. Combined with HB 920, this likely leads to deficit spending as expenditures outpace revenues. However, schools are expected to manage their cash balances wisely and are prohibited from operating with negative cash balances.


Managing Administrative Costs

Contrary to rumors, Hilliard Schools has minimized administrative costs, even eliminating seven administrative positions over the past three years. The cut positions save the district close to one million dollars a year. This places us with the lowest administrative expenditure per pupil in Franklin County.


Deficit Spending and the Forecast

Deficit spending reflects the challenges of rising costs and restricted property tax growth rather than financial mismanagement. Hilliard Schools has carefully built a cash balance over the years, which is now utilized as costs exceed revenues. This prudent fiscal planning allows us to stay off the ballot asking taxpayers for more money only when it is absolutely needed.


We appreciate our community’s support as we navigate these financial uncertainties. We are committed to keeping you updated on our financial status. You can find our latest financial reports here.

K-5 Math Curriculum Resource Preview Page

The Hilliard City School District is in the process of adopting a new K-5 Math resource called Imagine Learning Illustrative Math. During the next two weeks, the Board of Education and the community will have the opportunity to preview this new resource. We invite all families and the community to preview Imagine Learning Illustrative Math, and if so desire, use the Feedback Form to provide feedback. Clicking on this link will provide a preview for our families. A sample display of the curriculum resource by grade level will also be available at Central Office on March 27-30 and April 10-14. Visitors may come in person to preview the samples between the hours of 9:00 am-11:00 am and 2:00-4:00 pm. 

Parent/Guardian Book Selection Exemption Form

If you wish to request that a book or resource not be checked out to your student from their Innovation & Discovery/Media Center, you must complete the form below. Each submitted form will accept up to 10 book titles/author’s names. Please go to the Destiny Discover catalog on your child’s school website under Academics > Innovation Discovery Center OR Media Center to verify that the book/resource currently exists at that location before submitting this form.

Your submission will be shared with your child’s school and added to your child’s information record in Destiny (Library Resource System) only if that item exists at that location. Items submitted through this form will be on your student’s Destiny record for the course of the current school year only. Should you wish to have books/resources exempt for your student next year, you will need to submit this form again for each item.

Click here to access the Form.

Parent Voice in Math Curriculum

The Hilliard City School District’s Curriculum Department is in the midst of a multi-year curriculum revision cycle for several content areas. An important part of this process is seeking input from our parents on what is important to them in each content area. The next content area that a district committee will revise is Mathematics. If you are interested in providing feedback in regard to your child’s Math curriculum, please click this link and respond to a brief, two-question survey. Thank you for your consideration.

Alumni Spotlights

Hilliard Schools is proud of the excellence demonstrated by our alumni.  We want to share their stories and are creating a new Alumni Spotlight to highlight and recognize alumni achievements, along with the impacts they are making in their fields and communities.  These stories will be shared as a means to inspire our current students to pursue their dreams, connect alumni back to our community and serve as a point of district wide and community celebration.

If you want to be considered for an alumni spotlight, or want to recommend someone else, please email us with more details and don’t forget to attach a picture of yourself.

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