Tuesday, September 6, 2022


Wishing a happy birthday to everyone with a birthday today!




2021-2022 Yearbooks will be available for pick-up during ALL lunch periods on September 6th, 7th and 8th!  If you have a sibling who graduated last year, please come to the Main Office to pick up their book.

Tolles students can pick up your book in the Main Office starting Friday, if you don’t have a lunch period at Bradley.


Senior Pictures due December 9th!

Seniors, plan when/where/how you are going to take your senior photos now! Go to the Bradley Yearbook website for a list of requirements and details about submission. The deadline to submit your senior photo to the yearbook is Friday, December 9th, 2022.


Club Fair:  Friday, September 9th, we will be holding a club fair during lunch periods. Bradley High School has over 20 different clubs that students have the ability to get involved in during their time here in our building.


Keycards are in.  They can only be picked up before or after school, or during lunch or study hall (after you check in with your study hall teacher).  We cannot issue them during academic classes.  If there is a long line, please come back at another time.

If you still have last year’s keycard, please bring it to the office, they are disabled, but can be reused for someone else.


National Honor Society will hold the first meeting of the school year Thursday, September 8th at 7am in the Aux Commons.  This meeting is only for CURRENT members.  We will announce NHS officers for the 2022-2023 school year so please plan to attend.


Jaguar Ambassadors is a group of motivated students who volunteer in and around the Bradley community. Applications are available in the Media Center NOW–They will be due Sept. 8th.  The first meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept. 15th!!



October 7 @ 7:00 pm
October 8 @ 7:00 pm
October 9 @ 2:00 pm

$15.00 Adults
$10.00 Students/Seniors

Click This Link to Buy Tickets:

Local Level Events – Hilliard Bradley Theater Presents-25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee


Calling All Students!!

Drop in and join us for:

Mindful Movement for Mental Health

What: Weekly Yoga and mindfulness class guided by Mental Health Specialists

When: Every Tuesday in September (Sept. 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th) from 2:45- 4:00pm

Where: Room A227

What you should know:

  • Every Bradley student is welcome.
  • No prior yoga experience is required!
  • No commitment or sign up necessary- come to any session you can.
  • Bring a water bottle and comfortable clothes to move in.

Questions? Contact Mental Health Specialists Mrs. O’Neil (students with last names A-K) or Ms. Burgos (last names L-Z).





NO Food deliveries:  Remember that no food deliveries are allowed during the school day.


Students/Parents, please take note:  At this time, transportation is not allowing extra riders on our buses due to current capacity. 


Student Parking at school:  Please make sure you park in the student lot at the north (stadium) side of the building (the parking lot between Bradley and Memorial.  There is no student parking in the front lots that face Walker Rd.  We are starting to check cars parked in the front.


If you drive to school, you will need to register your car.  There is no cost, but you must be registered. 

Go to Canvas, then “announcements” from the beginning of the school year, fill out the google doc and come to the Main Office for your parking tag.  Reminder that parking for students is on the north side of the building.  That is the lot between Bradley and Memorial all the spots in front of the stadium.



Parents / Students:  If a student has a zoom/in-building appointment with an outside source, and they will be staying in the building for this, they still need a parent permission note for missing class(es).  This is the same procedure as though they are leaving the building.  They will need to sign out and back in at the Attendance office to make sure they get excused.  It can be reported in School Messenger, or an email, hbrattendance@hboe.org, or give your student a note to give the attendance office.

If we don’t receive notification from parents, the student will be unexcused.


NO Change or Vending Machine refunds:  The office does not have change or refunds.  For refunds, you will need to call the number on the machine.




Remember to use the QR code if you need to see your guidance counselor.


College Visits – College Rep visits are now being scheduled!  You can sign up through your Schoolinks account.  You will receive a pass the day or two before the visit, so you are able to leave class to attend.  Please be aware you are responsible for any missed work in classes you miss due to attending a college visit.  Visits will continue to be scheduled over the next couple of months, so be sure to check Schoolinks regularly. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Wintrich in the Guidance office.


We have a few colleges coming to Hilliard that will waive their application fee if you fill it out with them while they are here.


September 6 – 5:00-7:00pm at the Hub – No sign up necessary!  Just show up with your ipad!


Capital University

Ohio Wesleyan University

Malone College

Ohio Dominican

University of Dayton

Shawnee State

Wittenberg University

Ohio Christian University

The Ohio State University – Marion branch only


September 8 – 4:00 – 6:30pm at the Hub Ohio University – Sign up is required!

Application sign ups!

Ohio University Free Application event!

4:00 PM – 4:45 PM https://admissions.ohio.edu/register/?id=7f252f58-af77-4c20-a11b-8db9d30c65ee

4:45 PM – 5:30 PM https://admissions.ohio.edu/register/?id=54f14d85-5dd4-4c50-bef7-f39fb8197ae5

5:30 PM – 6:15 PM  https://admissions.ohio.edu/register/?id=af12a40b-5bd3-471d-94bf-196806a218ac

September 12 3:00 – 5:00 at the Hub. – Bowling Green State University

Bowling Green State University Free Application event!




College Bound Juniors: Registration for the PSAT will begin on September 6 and close on September 23rd. The cost is $25 and you can register through MyPaymentsPlus. The PSAT/NMSQT will be held October 12 at each high school.  This is the test that is used for the National Merit Scholarship Competition.   It will also help prepare juniors for the SAT which they will take in the spring.



BRADLEY CLUBS/Extracurricular INFO: 


There are many clubs to join.  Check the list on the Bradley website or stop in the office for the list to see what you might be interested in.

If you want to start a new club, you will need to find a teacher advisor and submit their name along with an explanation of your club idea to cort_hamilton@hboe.org.


Art club will meet every other Thursday in room C104 after school until 3:30 pm.

Our meeting dates for this semester will be:

September 8th

September 23rd

October 7th

October 21st

November 4th

November 18th

December 2nd


The Hilliard Bradley Rocket League and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate teams will be holding tryouts on Wednesday, September 7th, 3:30 pm, at Game Arena in Hilliard. Students must commit to playing every Wednesday after school at Game Arena from September through November. Email eric_howard@hboe.org with questions.


Future Engineers will meet TUESDAYS starting 9/6/22.  We will meet in Room PA132, from 2:45 to 3:45 weekly.  Please feel free to join us if you have interest in robots or bridge building.  Go JAGS!




The Hilliard Gaming Club will be meeting at Game Arena in Hilliard starting Wednesday, September 7th from 3:30-5:30 pm. Access to games is free during club hours. Bring additional money for food and drink. All Hilliard HS students are welcome. Email eric_howard@hboe.org with questions.


Interact Club Meeting:  Meetings are Thursdays, at 2:40 PM, in C285. Come learn about this service club and our activities for the year.

Interact Club Dates:


September 8 & 22

October 6 & 20

November 10

December 8

January 12 & 26

February 9 & 23

March 9 & 23

April 20

May 11


The first Ohio Model United Nations meeting will be held in Mr. Bleh’s Room (B173) from 2:40-3:30, on Thursday, September 8th.


Society of Women Engineers will have their first meeting next MONDAY, AUGUST 29, in PA132!

Society of Women Engineers is a student organization that was founded in Spring of 2022.  The goal of this organization is to provide an environment for young girls to learn various engineering disciplines. Club members will participate in various activities that will teach them unique STEM skills through hands-on learning. Our mission is to spread knowledge to those who are interested in the field of engineering and want to join a community of others with a shared passion for STEM.


If students are interested in strategy game club, it begins after my football season ends.  This date is subject to change because of playoffs, but we will start the first week I am available.  Tell students to start watching the announcements starting in November for a firm start date.


Yoga:  Mindful Movement for Mental Health, every student welcome

No experience needed.  Just come when you can.  Snacks and mats provided.  Bring a water bottle and wear comfortable clothes to move in.

What:  Weekly Yoga

When:  Every Tuesday in September (Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27) from 2:45-4:00

Where:  Rm. A227

Contact the Mental Health Specialist:  Mrs. O’Neil or Ms. Burgos with any questions.  There are signs throughout the school with info.

Mirranda_o’neil@hboe.org       Briona_burgos@hboe.org







None at this time.


Friday, September 2, 2022


Have a wonderful 3-day weekend.  See you on Tuesday.


Wishing a happy birthday to everyone with a birthday today!




2021-2022 Yearbooks will be available for pick-up during ALL lunch periods on September 6th, 7th and 8th!  If you have a sibling who graduated last year, please come to the Main Office to pick up their book.


Keycards are in.  They can only be picked up before or after school, or during lunch or study hall (after you check in with your study hall teacher).  We cannot issue them during academic classes.  If there is a long line, please come back at another time.

If you still have last year’s keycard, please bring it to the office, they are disabled, but can be reused for someone else.


Student Parking at school:  Please make sure you park in the student lot at the north (stadium) side of the building (the parking lot between Bradley and Memorial.  There is no student parking in the front lots that face Walker Rd.  We are starting to check cars parked in the front.


Students/Parents, please take note:  At this time, transportation is not allowing extra riders on our buses due to current capacity. 


Students who are driving:  Please be careful and watch you driving and speed in the parking lot.  There are a lot of people who are leaving at the same time and we want everyone to be safe.


Club info is coming in and is posted below in the Club/Extracurricular section.


Jaguar Ambassadors is a group of motivated students who volunteer in and around the Bradley community. Applications are available in the Media Center NOW–They will be due Sept. 8th.  The first meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept. 15th!!


Keycards:  If you still have one from last year, please return it so it can be reused.  Last year’s cards have been deactivated.

If you need a keycard this year, we are submitting a report to request the keycards.  It may be a week or so and we will let you know through announcements when we have them in.  In the meantime, if you drive, you will need to park in student parking and walk around.


If you drive to school, you will need to register your car.  There is no cost, but you must be registered. 

Go to Canvas, then “announcements” from the beginning of the school year, fill out the google doc and come to the Main Office for your parking tag.  Reminder that parking for students is on the north side of the building.  That is the lot between Bradley and Memorial all the spots in front of the stadium.





NO Food deliveries:  Remember that no food deliveries are allowed during the school day.


Parents / Students:  If a student has a zoom/in-building appointment with an outside source, and they will be staying in the building for this, they still need a parent permission note for missing class(es).  This is the same procedure as though they are leaving the building.  They will need to sign out and back in at the Attendance office to make sure they get excused.  It can be reported in School Messenger, or an email, hbrattendance@hboe.org, or give your student a note to give the attendance office.

If we don’t receive notification from parents, the student will be unexcused.


NO Change or Vending Machine refunds:  The office does not have change or refunds.  For refunds, you will need to call the number on the machine.




Remember to use the QR code if you need to see your guidance counselor.


College Visits – College Rep visits are now being scheduled!  You can sign up through your Schoolinks account.  You will receive a pass the day or two before the visit, so you are able to leave class to attend.  Please be aware you are responsible for any missed work in classes you miss due to attending a college visit.  Visits will continue to be scheduled over the next couple of months, so be sure to check Schoolinks regularly. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Wintrich in the Guidance office.


We have a few colleges coming to Hilliard that will waive their application fee if you fill it out with them while they are here.


September 6 – 5:00-7:00pm at the Hub – No sign up necessary!  Just show up with your ipad!


Capital University

Ohio Wesleyan University

Malone College

Ohio Dominican

University of Dayton

Shawnee State

Wittenberg University

Ohio Christian University

The Ohio State University – Marion branch only


September 8 – 4:00 – 6:30pm at the Hub Ohio University – Sign up is required!

Application sign ups!

Ohio University Free Application event!

4:00 PM – 4:45 PM https://admissions.ohio.edu/register/?id=7f252f58-af77-4c20-a11b-8db9d30c65ee

4:45 PM – 5:30 PM https://admissions.ohio.edu/register/?id=54f14d85-5dd4-4c50-bef7-f39fb8197ae5

5:30 PM – 6:15 PM  https://admissions.ohio.edu/register/?id=af12a40b-5bd3-471d-94bf-196806a218ac

September 12 3:00 – 5:00 at the Hub. – Bowling Green State University

Bowling Green State University Free Application event!




College Bound Juniors: Registration for the PSAT will begin on September 6 and close on September 23rd. The cost is $25 and you can register through MyPaymentsPlus. The PSAT/NMSQT will be held October 12 at each high school.  This is the test that is used for the National Merit Scholarship Competition.   It will also help prepare juniors for the SAT which they will take in the spring.



BRADLEY CLUBS/Extracurricular INFO: 


There are many clubs to join.  Check the list on the Bradley website or stop in the office for the list to see what you might be interested in.

If you want to start a new club, you will need to find a teacher advisor and submit their name along with an explanation of your club idea to cort_hamilton@hboe.org.


Art club will meet every other Thursday in room C104 after school until 3:30 pm.

Our meeting dates for this semester will be:

September 8th

September 23rd

October 7th

October 21st

November 4th

November 18th

December 2nd


The Hilliard Bradley Rocket League and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate teams will be holding tryouts on Wednesday, September 7th, 3:30 pm, at Game Arena in Hilliard. Students must commit to playing every Wednesday after school at Game Arena from September through November. Email eric_howard@hboe.org with questions.


Future Engineers will meet TUESDAYS starting 9/6/22.  We will meet in Room PA132, from 2:45 to 3:45 weekly.  Please feel free to join us if you have interest in robots or bridge building.  Go JAGS!




The Hilliard Gaming Club will be meeting at Game Arena in Hilliard starting Wednesday, September 7th from 3:30-5:30 pm. Access to games is free during club hours. Bring additional money for food and drink. All Hilliard HS students are welcome. Email eric_howard@hboe.org with questions.


Interact Club Meeting:  Meetings are Thursdays, at 2:40 PM, in C285. Come learn about this service club and our activities for the year.

Interact Club Dates:


September 8 & 22

October 6 & 20

November 10

December 8

January 12 & 26

February 9 & 23

March 9 & 23

April 20

May 11


The first Ohio Model United Nations meeting will be held in Mr. Bleh’s Room (B173) from 2:40-3:30, on Thursday, September 8th.


Society of Women Engineers will have their first meeting next MONDAY, AUGUST 29, in PA132!

Society of Women Engineers is a student organization that was founded in Spring of 2022.  The goal of this organization is to provide an environment for young girls to learn various engineering disciplines. Club members will participate in various activities that will teach them unique STEM skills through hands-on learning. Our mission is to spread knowledge to those who are interested in the field of engineering and want to join a community of others with a shared passion for STEM.


If students are interested in strategy game club, it begins after my football season ends.  This date is subject to change because of playoffs, but we will start the first week I am available.  Tell students to start watching the announcements starting in November for a firm start date.


Yoga:  Mindful Movement for Mental Health, every student welcome

No experience needed.  Just come when you can.  Snacks and mats provided.  Bring a water bottle and wear comfortable clothes to move in.

What:  Weekly Yoga

When:  Every Tuesday in September (Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27) from 2:45-4:00

Where:  Rm. A227

Contact the Mental Health Specialist:  Mrs. O’Neil or Ms. Burgos with any questions.  There are signs throughout the school with info.

Mirranda_o’neil@hboe.org       Briona_burgos@hboe.org





None at this time.


Thursday, September 1, 2022


Wishing a happy birthday to everyone with a birthday today!




2021-2022 Yearbooks will be available for pick-up during ALL lunch periods on September 6th, 7th and 8th!  If you have a sibling who graduated last year, please come to the Main Office to pick up their book.


Keycards are in.  They can only be picked up before or after school, or during lunch or study hall (after you check in with your study hall teacher).  We cannot issue them during academic classes.  If there is a long line, please come back at another time.

If you still have last year’s keycard, please bring it to the office, they are disabled, but can be reused for someone else.


Student Parking at school:  Please make sure you park in the student lot at the north (stadium) side of the building (the parking lot between Bradley and Memorial.  There is no student parking in the front lots that face Walker Rd.  We are starting to check cars parked in the front.


Students/Parents, please take note:  At this time, transportation is not allowing extra riders on our buses due to current capacity. 


Students who are driving:  Please be careful and watch you driving and speed in the parking lot.  There are a lot of people who are leaving at the same time and we want everyone to be safe.


Club info is coming in and is posted below in the Club/Extracurricular section.


Jaguar Ambassadors is a group of motivated students who volunteer in and around the Bradley community. Applications are available in the Media Center NOW–They will be due Sept. 8th.  The first meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept. 15th!!


Keycards:  If you still have one from last year, please return it so it can be reused.  Last year’s cards have been deactivated.

If you need a keycard this year, we are submitting a report to request the keycards.  It may be a week or so and we will let you know through announcements when we have them in.  In the meantime, if you drive, you will need to park in student parking and walk around.


If you drive to school, you will need to register your car.  There is no cost, but you must be registered. 

Go to Canvas, then “announcements” from the beginning of the school year, fill out the google doc and come to the Main Office for your parking tag.  Reminder that parking for students is on the north side of the building.  That is the lot between Bradley and Memorial all the spots in front of the stadium.





NO Food deliveries:  Remember that no food deliveries are allowed during the school day.


Parents / Students:  If a student has a zoom/in-building appointment with an outside source, and they will be staying in the building for this, they still need a parent permission note for missing class(es).  This is the same procedure as though they are leaving the building.  They will need to sign out and back in at the Attendance office to make sure they get excused.  It can be reported in School Messenger, or an email, hbrattendance@hboe.org, or give your student a note to give the attendance office.

If we don’t receive notification from parents, the student will be unexcused.


NO Change or Vending Machine refunds:  The office does not have change or refunds.  For refunds, you will need to call the number on the machine.




Remember to use the QR code if you need to see your guidance counselor.

Another note is their offices are inside the Student Services office across from the cafeteria serving lines.


College Visits – College Rep visits are now being scheduled!  You can sign up through your Schoolinks account.  You will receive a pass the day or two before the visit, so you are able to leave class to attend.  Please be aware you are responsible for any missed work in classes you miss due to attending a college visit.  Visits will continue to be scheduled over the next couple of months, so be sure to check Schoolinks regularly. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Wintrich in the Guidance office.


We have a few colleges coming to Hilliard that will waive their application fee if you fill it out with them while they are here.


September 6 – 5:00-7:00pm at the Hub – No sign up necessary!  Just show up with your ipad!


Capital University

Ohio Wesleyan University

Malone College

Ohio Dominican

University of Dayton

Shawnee State

Wittenberg University

Ohio Christian University

The Ohio State University – Marion branch only


September 8 – 4:00 – 6:30pm at the Hub Ohio University – Sign up is required!

Application sign ups!

Ohio University Free Application event!

4:00 PM – 4:45 PM https://admissions.ohio.edu/register/?id=7f252f58-af77-4c20-a11b-8db9d30c65ee

4:45 PM – 5:30 PM https://admissions.ohio.edu/register/?id=54f14d85-5dd4-4c50-bef7-f39fb8197ae5

5:30 PM – 6:15 PM  https://admissions.ohio.edu/register/?id=af12a40b-5bd3-471d-94bf-196806a218ac

September 12 3:00 – 5:00 at the Hub. – Bowling Green State University

Bowling Green State University Free Application event!




College Bound Juniors: Registration for the PSAT will begin on September 6 and close on September 23rd. The cost is $25 and you can register through MyPaymentsPlus. The PSAT/NMSQT will be held October 12 at each high school.  This is the test that is used for the National Merit Scholarship Competition.   It will also help prepare juniors for the SAT which they will take in the spring.



BRADLEY CLUBS/Extracurricular INFO: 


There are many clubs to join.  Check the list on the Bradley website or stop in the office for the list to see what you might be interested in.

If you want to start a new club, you will need to find a teacher advisor and submit their name along with an explanation of your club idea to cort_hamilton@hboe.org.


Art club will meet every other Thursday in room C104 after school until 3:30 pm.

Our meeting dates for this semester will be:

September 8th

September 23rd

October 7th

October 21st

November 4th

November 18th

December 2nd


The Hilliard Bradley Rocket League and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate teams will be holding tryouts on Wednesday, September 7th, 3:30 pm, at Game Arena in Hilliard. Students must commit to playing every Wednesday after school at Game Arena from September through November. Email eric_howard@hboe.org with questions.


Future Engineering Club Meetings

*Future Engineers CORRECTION:  Future Engineers will meet TUESDAYS starting 9/6/22.  We will still meet in Room PA132, from 2:45 to 3:45, weekly.  Please feel free to join us if you have interest in robots or bridge building.  Go JAGS!*



The Hilliard Gaming Club will be meeting at Game Arena in Hilliard starting Wednesday, September 7th from 3:30-5:30 pm. Access to games is free during club hours. Bring additional money for food and drink. All Hilliard HS students are welcome. Email eric_howard@hboe.org with questions.


Interact Club Meeting:  Meetings are Thursdays, at 2:40 PM, in C285. Come learn about this service club and our activities for the year.

Interact Club Dates:


September 8 & 22

October 6 & 20

November 10

December 8

January 12 & 26

February 9 & 23

March 9 & 23

April 20

May 11


The first Ohio Model United Nations meeting will be held in Mr. Bleh’s Room (B173) from 2:40-3:30, on Thursday, September 8th.


Society of Women Engineers will have their first meeting next MONDAY, AUGUST 29, in PA132!

Society of Women Engineers is a student organization that was founded in Spring of 2022.  The goal of this organization is to provide an environment for young girls to learn various engineering disciplines. Club members will participate in various activities that will teach them unique STEM skills through hands-on learning. Our mission is to spread knowledge to those who are interested in the field of engineering and want to join a community of others with a shared passion for STEM.


If students are interested in strategy game club, it begins after my football season ends.  This date is subject to change because of playoffs, but we will start the first week I am available.  Tell students to start watching the announcements starting in November for a firm start date.


Yoga:  Mindful Movement for Mental Health, every student welcome

No experience needed.  Just come when you can.  Snacks and mats provided.  Bring a water bottle and wear comfortable clothes to move in.

What:  Weekly Yoga

When:  Every Tuesday in September (Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27) from 2:45-4:00

Where:  Rm. A227

Contact the Mental Health Specialist:  Mrs. O’Neil or Ms. Burgos with any questions.  There are signs throughout the school with info.

Mirranda_o’neil@hboe.org       Briona_burgos@hboe.org



ATHLETICS- in a new format



None at this time.


Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Wishing a happy birthday to everyone with a birthday today!




Students/Parents, please take note:  At this time, transportation is not allowing extra riders on our buses due to current capacity. 


Students who are driving:  Please be careful and watch you driving and speed in the parking lot.  There are a lot of people who are leaving at the same time and we want everyone to be safe.


Club info is coming in and is posted below in the Club/Extracurricular section.


Jaguar Ambassadors is a group of motivated students who volunteer in and around the Bradley community. Applications are available in the Media Center NOW–They will be due Sept. 8th.  The first meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept. 15th!!


Keycards:  If you still have one from last year, please return it so it can be reused.  Last year’s cards have been deactivated.

If you need a keycard this year, we are submitting a report to request the keycards.  It may be a week or so and we will let you know through announcements when we have them in.  In the meantime, if you drive, you will need to park in student parking and walk around.


If you drive to school, you will need to register your car.  There is no cost, but you must be registered. 

Go to Canvas, then “announcements” from the beginning of the school year, fill out the google doc and come to the Main Office for your parking tag.  Reminder that parking for students is on the north side of the building.  That is the lot between Bradley and Memorial all the spots in front of the stadium.





NO Food deliveries:  Remember that no food deliveries are allowed during the school day.


Parents / Students:  If a student has a zoom/in-building appointment with an outside source, and they will be staying in the building for this, they still need a parent permission note for missing class(es).  This is the same procedure as though they are leaving the building.  They will need to sign out and back in at the Attendance office to make sure they get excused.  It can be reported in School Messenger, or an email, hbrattendance@hboe.org, or give your student a note to give the attendance office.

If we don’t receive notification from parents, the student will be unexcused.


NO Change or Vending Machine refunds:  The office does not have change or refunds.  For refunds, you will need to call the number on the machine.



BRADLEY CLUBS/Extracurricular INFO: 


There are many clubs to join.  Check the list on the Bradley website or stop in the office for the list to see what you might be interested in.

If you want to start a new club, you will need to find a teacher advisor and submit their name along with an explanation of your club idea to cort_hamilton@hboe.org.


Art club will meet every other Thursday in room C104 after school until 3:30 pm.

Our meeting dates for this semester will be:

September 8th

September 23rd

October 7th

October 21st

November 4th

November 18th

December 2nd


The Hilliard Bradley Rocket League and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate teams will be holding tryouts on Wednesday, September 7th, 3:30 pm, at Game Arena in Hilliard. Students must commit to playing every Wednesday after school at Game Arena from September through November. Email eric_howard@hboe.org with questions.


Future Engineering Club Meetings

*Future Engineers CORRECTION:  Future Engineers will meet TUESDAYS starting 9/6/22.  We will still meet in Room PA132, from 2:45 to 3:45, weekly.  Please feel free to join us if you have interest in robots or bridge building.  Go JAGS!*



The Hilliard Gaming Club will be meeting at Game Arena in Hilliard starting Wednesday, September 7th from 3:30-5:30 pm. Access to games is free during club hours. Bring additional money for food and drink. All Hilliard HS students are welcome. Email eric_howard@hboe.org with questions.


Interact Club Meeting:  Meetings are Thursdays, at 2:40 PM, in C285. Come learn about this service club and our activities for the year.

Interact Club Dates:


September 8 & 22

October 6 & 20

November 10

December 8

January 12 & 26

February 9 & 23

March 9 & 23

April 20

May 11


The first Ohio Model United Nations meeting will be held in Mr. Bleh’s Room (B173) from 2:40-3:30, on Thursday, September 8th.


Society of Women Engineers will have their first meeting next MONDAY, AUGUST 29, in PA132!

Society of Women Engineers is a student organization that was founded in Spring of 2022.  The goal of this organization is to provide an environment for young girls to learn various engineering disciplines. Club members will participate in various activities that will teach them unique STEM skills through hands-on learning. Our mission is to spread knowledge to those who are interested in the field of engineering and want to join a community of others with a shared passion for STEM.


If students are interested in strategy game club, it begins after my football season ends.  This date is subject to change because of playoffs, but we will start the first week I am available.  Tell students to start watching the announcements starting in November for a firm start date.


Yoga:  Mindful Movement for Mental Health, every student welcome

No experience needed.  Just come when you can.  Snacks and mats provided.  Bring a water bottle and wear comfortable clothes to move in.

What:  Weekly Yoga

When:  Every Tuesday in September (Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27) from 2:45-4:00

Where:  Rm. A227

Contact the Mental Health Specialist:  Mrs. O’Neil or Ms. Burgos with any questions.  There are signs throughout the school with info.

Mirranda_o’neil@hboe.org       Briona_burgos@hboe.org




Remember to use the QR code if you need to see your guidance counselor.

Another note is their offices are inside the Student Services office across from the cafeteria serving lines.


We have a few colleges coming to Hilliard that will waive their application fee if you fill it out with them while they are here.


September 6 – 5:00-7:00pm at the Hub – No sign up necessary!  Just show up with your ipad!


Capital University

Ohio Wesleyan University

Malone College

Ohio Dominican

University of Dayton

Shawnee State

Wittenberg University

Ohio Christian University

The Ohio State University – Marion branch only


September 8 – 4:00 – 6:30pm at the Hub Ohio University – Sign up is required!

Application sign ups!

Ohio University Free Application event!

4:00 PM – 4:45 PM https://admissions.ohio.edu/register/?id=7f252f58-af77-4c20-a11b-8db9d30c65ee

4:45 PM – 5:30 PM https://admissions.ohio.edu/register/?id=54f14d85-5dd4-4c50-bef7-f39fb8197ae5

5:30 PM – 6:15 PM  https://admissions.ohio.edu/register/?id=af12a40b-5bd3-471d-94bf-196806a218ac

September 12 3:00 – 5:00 at the Hub. – Bowling Green State University

Bowling Green State University Free Application event!




College Bound Juniors: Registration for the PSAT will begin on September 6 and close on September 23rd. The cost is $25 and you can register through MyPaymentsPlus. The PSAT/NMSQT will be held October 12 at each high school.  This is the test that is used for the National Merit Scholarship Competition.   It will also help prepare juniors for the SAT which they will take in the spring.


ATHLETICS- in a new format



None at this time.


Tuesday, August 30, 2022


Wishing a happy birthday to everyone with a birthday today!




Students/Parents, please take note:  At this time, transportation is not allowing extra riders on our buses due to current capacity. 


Students who are driving:  Please be careful and watch you driving and speed in the parking lot.  There are a lot of people who are leaving at the same time and we want everyone to be safe.


Club info is coming in and is posted below in the Club/Extracurricular section.


Jaguar Ambassadors is a group of motivated students who volunteer in and around the Bradley community. Applications are available in the Media Center NOW–They will be due Sept. 8th.  The first meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept. 15th!!

Keycards:  If you still have one from last year, please return it so it can be reused.  Last year’s cards have been deactivated.

If you need a keycard this year, we are submitting a report to request the keycards.  It may be a week or so and we will let you know through announcements when we have them in.  In the meantime, if you drive, you will need to park in student parking and walk around.

If you drive to school, you will need to register your car.  There is no cost, but you must be registered. 

Go to Canvas, then “announcements” from the beginning of the school year, fill out the google doc and come to the Main Office for your parking tag.  Reminder that parking for students is on the north side of the building.  That is the lot between Bradley and Memorial all the spots in front of the stadium.





NO Food deliveries:  Remember that no food deliveries are allowed during the school day.


Parents / Students:  If a student has a zoom/in-building appointment with an outside source, and they will be staying in the building for this, they still need a parent permission note for missing class(es).  This is the same procedure as though they are leaving the building.  They will need to sign out and back in at the Attendance office to make sure they get excused.  It can be reported in School Messenger, or an email, hbrattendance@hboe.org, or give your student a note to give the attendance office.

If we don’t receive notification from parents, the student will be unexcused.


NO Change or Vending Machine refunds:  The office does not have change or refunds.  For refunds, you will need to call the number on the machine.



BRADLEY CLUBS/Extracurricular INFO: 


There are many clubs to join.  Check the list on the Bradley website or stop in the office for the list to see what you might be interested in.

If you want to start a new club, you will need to find a teacher advisor and submit their name along with an explanation of your club idea to cort_hamilton@hboe.org.


Art club will meet every other Thursday in room C104 after school until 3:30 pm.

Our meeting dates for this semester will be:

September 8th

September 23rd

October 7th

October 21st

November 4th

November 18th

December 2nd


The Hilliard Bradley Rocket League and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate teams will be holding tryouts on Wednesday, September 7th, 3:30 pm, at Game Arena in Hilliard. Students must commit to playing every Wednesday after school at Game Arena from September through November. Email eric_howard@hboe.org with questions.


Future Engineering Club Meetings

*Future Engineers CORRECTION:  Future Engineers will meet TUESDAYS starting 9/6/22.  We will still meet in Room PA132, from 2:45 to 3:45, weekly.  Please feel free to join us if you have interest in robots or bridge building.  Go JAGS!*



The Hilliard Gaming Club will be meeting at Game Arena in Hilliard starting Wednesday, September 7th from 3:30-5:30 pm. Access to games is free during club hours. Bring additional money for food and drink. All Hilliard HS students are welcome. Email eric_howard@hboe.org with questions.


Interact Club Meeting:  Meetings are Thursdays, at 2:40 PM, in C285. Come learn about this service club and our activities for the year.

Interact Club Dates:


September 8 & 22

October 6 & 20

November 10

December 8

January 12 & 26

February 9 & 23

March 9 & 23

April 20

May 11


The first Ohio Model United Nations meeting will be held in Mr. Bleh’s Room (B173) from 2:40-3:30, on Thursday, September 8th.


Society of Women Engineers will have their first meeting next MONDAY, AUGUST 29, in PA132!

Society of Women Engineers is a student organization that was founded in Spring of 2022.  The goal of this organization is to provide an environment for young girls to learn various engineering disciplines. Club members will participate in various activities that will teach them unique STEM skills through hands-on learning. Our mission is to spread knowledge to those who are interested in the field of engineering and want to join a community of others with a shared passion for STEM.


If students are interested in strategy game club, it begins after my football season ends.  This date is subject to change because of playoffs, but we will start the first week I am available.  Tell students to start watching the announcements starting in November for a firm start date.


Yoga:  Mindful Movement for Mental Health, every student welcome

No experience needed.  Just come when you can.  Snacks and mats provided.  Bring a water bottle and wear comfortable clothes to move in.

What:  Weekly Yoga

When:  Every Tuesday in September (Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27) from 2:45-4:00

Where:  Rm. A227

Contact the Mental Health Specialist:  Mrs. O’Neil or Ms. Burgos with any questions.  There are signs throughout the school with info.

Mirranda_o’neil@hboe.org       Briona_burgos@hboe.org




Remember to use the QR code if you need to see your guidance counselor.

Another note is their offices are inside the Student Services office across from the cafeteria serving lines.


We have a few colleges coming to Hilliard that will waive their application fee if you fill it out with them while they are here.


September 6 – 5:00-7:00pm at the Hub – No sign up necessary!  Just show up with your ipad!


Capital University

Ohio Wesleyan University

Malone College

Ohio Dominican

University of Dayton

Shawnee State

Wittenberg University

Ohio Christian University

The Ohio State University – Marion branch only


September 8 – 4:00 – 6:30pm at the Hub Ohio University – Sign up is required!

Application sign ups!

Ohio University Free Application event!

4:00 PM – 4:45 PM https://admissions.ohio.edu/register/?id=7f252f58-af77-4c20-a11b-8db9d30c65ee

4:45 PM – 5:30 PM https://admissions.ohio.edu/register/?id=54f14d85-5dd4-4c50-bef7-f39fb8197ae5

5:30 PM – 6:15 PM  https://admissions.ohio.edu/register/?id=af12a40b-5bd3-471d-94bf-196806a218ac

September 12 3:00 – 5:00 at the Hub. – Bowling Green State University

Bowling Green State University Free Application event!




College Bound Juniors: Registration for the PSAT will begin on September 6 and close on September 23rd. The cost is $25 and you can register through MyPaymentsPlus. The PSAT/NMSQT will be held October 12 at each high school.  This is the test that is used for the National Merit Scholarship Competition.   It will also help prepare juniors for the SAT which they will take in the spring.


ATHLETICS- in a new format


None at this time.

Heritage Middle School Mascot

(614) 921-7400
(614) 921-7401
Contact Us

William Warfield

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