Bradley eNews – February 4, 2022

Good Afternoon Jaguar Families,

The registration process will begin soon, and we know that this is an important first step for you and your students.  We want you to learn more about Bradley High School and have the tools necessary to understand the high school curriculum and scheduling process.  Please click the following link to view a brief informational video from our team at Bradley.

Our School Counselors and Administrators will be visiting your students’ language arts classrooms from February 9th through February 23rd.  Please take some time this weekend to look through our genially page for more information about courses and offerings here at Bradley. Finally, follow us on Twitter @BradleyHS and @wwarfieldadmin for more information about Bradley High School.

Finally, we will hold virtual parent teacher conferences on February 16th from 2:45pm-7:00pm. Please click the live link for signups. Please do not hesitate to contact me or your students’ teacher if you have immediate questions or concerns.

Have a great weekend and Go Jags!

Parents and Students:

Please visit the Bradley School Counseling Web Page for all your Scheduling questions.


All the resources you need to complete the scheduling process successfully!

Bradley High School Scheduling Resources

The following resources have been designed to help you with the course selection and scheduling process. While there are some essential items, there are also extra resources to help you filter through the information. See below for a description of each resource in order to determine what you may find helpful as you navigate through this process!

important dates

  • February 14 – Board of Education Meeting, at Tharp, 6:30 pm
  • February 18 – No School
  • February 21 – No School
  • February 28 – Board of Education Work Session, at Central Office, 6:30 pm
  • March 14 – Board of Education Meeting, at Tolles Career and Technical Center, 6:30 pm
  • March 21 through 25 – No School, Spring Break
  • March 31 – Board of Education Work Session, at Central Office, 6:30 pm

Save the Dates – Summer School 2022Hilliard Summer School 2022 programming is currently being developed. Although the exact details of program offerings at each grade level are not available yet, we hope parents will save the tentative dates that have been set for your planning purposes. High School Summer Courses will run from May 31-June 24 with the exception of PE which is two weeks longer. Elementary and Middle Level programs will occur from June 6-June 30 in the morning only. Please visit our website in March for the most up to date Summer School 2022 information.

Parent Voice in Curriculum – Health and ELA

The Hilliard City School District’s Curriculum Department is excited to launch a multi-year curriculum revision cycle for several content areas. An important part of this process is seeking input from our parents on what is important to them in each content area. The next content area that a district committee will revise is Health. If you are interested in providing feedback in regards to your child’s Health curriculum, please click this link and respond to a brief, two question survey.

We are also still asking for feedback on the ELA curriculum review.  If you are interested in providing feedback in regards to your child’s ELA curriculum, please click this link and respond to a brief, two question survey.

Hilliard Education Foundation’s Denim and Diamonds

The Hilliard Education Foundation is excited to bring back their in-person event, Denim & Diamonds. It will take place on March 4, 2022, at the Hilliard Heritage Golf Club from 7-11 p.m. Enjoy a fun-filled evening with strolling magicians, music, wine and bourbon pull, heavy hors d’oeuvres, and more.  You can support innovative learning for Hilliard Schools students while enjoying a wonderful evening. Get your tickets online at

Heritage Middle School Mascot

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(614) 921-7401
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William Warfield