Bradley eNews for November 22

Good Afternoon Jag Families,

This was another great week at Bradley High School. It was great seeing everyone at the fall band concert last night.


Hilliard Idol Finals will take place this Saturday, November 23rd at 7 pm in the Bradley Performing Arts Center. Tickets can be purchased on Local Level Events (HERE). This year’s finalists represent ten different schools including: Addison Ditello (Bradley), Gracyn Starrett (Bradley), Breck Grubbs (Bradley), Ethan Kaufman (Bradley), Sophie Abate (Bradley), Alexis Chamberlain (Darby), Genevieve Kirtland (Davidson), Callene Laslo (Bradley), Tyler Seymour (Bradley), Delilah Klochak (Darby), Quinn Mazon (Bradley).

Finally, just a reminder that the school will be closed from November 27-29 for Thanksgiving Break. I hope everyone has a great few days with friends and family.  Go Jags!!!



Girl’s Golf Fundraiser

Please help support the Girl’s Golf team by purchasing a digital dozen.  A code will be sent to your email.  Redeem the code at any Krispy Kreme donut shop. Use the link below.  The fundraiser runs now through December 31, 2024.  The codes are good indefinitely.

Order Krispy Kreme Digital Dozens Supporting Bradley Girls Golf Team!

Bradley Ski and Board – 8 Spots Remain

Bradley Ski & Board Information  There are only 8 spots remaining for Bradley’s Ski & Board Club. Register in My Payments Plus.

Bradley Yearbook

Visit the Jostens Website to order your yearbook!

Senior parents – you can also use this link to purchase a senior shout out ad!


Hilliard Idol 2024

This weekend is Hilliard Idol 2024! The top 21 finalists out of the 70 Hilliard Schools students who auditioned will perform LIVE Saturday night here at Bradley. We have many Memorial and Bradley students in the Finals and would love if you would cheer them on this weekend!

MMS – Charlotte Brill, Lilly Osborne, and Carmella Piunno

Bradley – Sophie Abate, Addie Ditello, Breck Grubbs, Ethan Kaufman, Callene Laslo, Quinn Mazon, Tyler Seymour, and Gracyn Starrett.

Also, last years Senior Division winner Addi Creeger – Tom will be performing!

Tickets can be purchased here ->


Kroger Community Rewards:

It is easy to sign up or link your Kroger Plus card to Hilliard Bradley High School PTO!! Go to the Kroger Community Rewards website.  Search for HILLIARD BRADLEY HIGH SCHOOL PTO or use the code XS080.

This is a great way for the PTO to earn funds to support our school while Bradley families do their shopping.

PTO Scholarship FundraiserHelp us increase our Student Scholarships

The Hilliard Bradley High School PTO has proudly awarded a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating senior each year. To expand our support for deserving students, we aim to provide two $1,000 scholarships in the future. With your donation, we can increase the impact of our student scholarship fund. Please consider contributing today using the QR code below – 100% of your donation will go directly towards these scholarships.

Search @BRADLEYPTO on PayPal


College Credit Plus Information meeting!

December 3 at Darby at 6:30pm

11th Grade College Planning Video! 


In order for athletes to participate, all of the following must take place. 

**Physicals must be updated prior to participation.  Upload two forms from the physical — Physical Exam Form and Medical Eligibility Form — to the parent’s Final Forms account (paper physicals will not be accepted).

**Both athlete and a parent/guardian must sign all forms in Final Forms.

**Participation Fees may be paid beginning November 1 and must be paid prior to the first competition through your MyPaymentsPlus account.  All athletes, including free lunch, must complete the payment process through MyPaymentsPlus.  Free lunch must check out through MyPaymentsPlus by paying $0 payment.  Fees must be paid prior to the first competition.



November 27-29 – No School – Thanksgiving Break

December 20 – End of Grading Period

December 23 – January 3 – Winter Break

January 6 – Students Return to School

January 20 – No School – Martin Luther King Jr Day

February 14 – No School

February 17 – No School – President’s Day



Holiday Fine Arts Performances

This time of year, our students are hard at work putting on choir and band concerts and many other community events.  We encourage you to look on our Fine Arts Web page calendars to find an event you and your family would like to attend.  There is something for everyone.  Click here for the Fine Arts page and calendar links to each school.

Cram the Cruiser Donations

Residents are invited to help Hilliard school children bundle up this winter by donating to the City of Hilliard’s sixth annual Cram the Cruiser event.  The event is a coordinated effort to collect new winter items, such as coats, gloves, hats, snow boots, socks, hooded sweatshirts, and pants for elementary-aged children to “cram” a cruiser full.

Donors may use the collection boxes at the Hilliard Community Center, 3800 Veterans Memorial Drive; Safety Services Building, 5171 Northwest Parkway; or Hilliard Municipal Building, 3800 Municipal Way.  Drop-off is encouraged between 8 am and 5 pm on weekdays, but the boxes at the Division of Police and Community Center will be available after hours. Items will be collected at the boxes through Dec. 1.

Donations also can be dropped off at the Hilliard Tree Lighting, slated for 4 to 6:30 pm December 1 in Downtown Hilliard. A cruiser will be located near First Responders Park.

Hollyfest Returns

Gather up all of your Christmas shopping buddies and make plans to attend the 41st annual Hollyfest Arts & Crafts Show on December 7 from 9 am to 3 pm at Davidson High School. The Hilliard Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to bring this premiere event to the community. There is something for everyone at this event, click here for more information.

Important Dates

November 25 – Board of Education Work Session, 6:30 pm at Central Office

November 27- 29 – No School

December 9 – Board of Education Meeting, 6:30 pm at Tharp

December 23 – Winter Break Begins

January 6 – Winter Break Ends, Students Return to School

January 20 – No School

February 14 –  No School

February 17 – No School

March 31- April 4 – No School, Spring Break

April 18 – No School

May 6 – No School

May 21 – Bradley High School Graduation

May 22 – Davidson High School Graduation

May 23 – Darby High School Graduation

May 26 – No School, Memorial Day

May 30 – Last Day of School for Students

Heritage Middle School Mascot

(614) 921-7400
(614) 921-7401
Contact Us

William Warfield