Bradley eNews for September 27

Good Afternoon Jaguar Families,

Homecoming is here! Tonight’s homecoming game against Upper Arlington High School starts at 7:00 p.m. Due to potential rain storms, the homecoming dance will be in the gym tomorrow, September 28th, from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Please remind your students to download their tickets and bring a picture ID.

I ask all of you to please talk to your sons/daughters about drinking and drugs. Many students may be asked to attend parties before and after the dance. If your child is attending a party, please make sure there will be parent supervision and that there are no drugs or alcohol.  A simple phone call can save a life. We want all of our students to have a great weekend, and it’s critical that everyone remains safe.

Parent-teacher conferences are on Wednesday, October 16th, from 2:45-7:00 pm. Please go to the Hilliard Bradley homepage and click the signup link that will go live at noon next Wednesday, October 2nd. To schedule a conference, please click on a teacher’s name. We ask that you sign up for only one-time slot per teacher.  Directions for signup are available on the sign-up page if needed. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call the main office at 614-921-7400.

Have a great weekend!  Go Jags!!!


We have been focusing on good attendance patterns in the district, but what exactly is a satisfactory attendance rate? Satisfactory student attendance is not necessarily perfect attendance, but is a 95% or better attendance rate. As we are nearing the end of Start Strong September, we want to remind families that although our goal is 95% or better, we want 100% of our students to be successful!


Advanced Placement (AP)

AP (Advanced Placement) Exam Registration is now open! If you (or your student) are currently in an AP course, please register to take the exam on MyPaymentsPlus. Taking the AP Exam and getting a qualifying score helps students save time and money by earning college credit or advanced placement, which allows them to skip introductory college courses. Most colleges grant credit, advanced placement or both for qualifying AP Exam scores.

  • The registration window is 9/25/24 – 10/25/24 
  • Each AP exam is $99
  • Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch have a fee of $53 per exam

See Mrs. Buscemi or Mrs. Wintrich in guidance with any questions!

College Visits – Sign up on Schoolinks

Oct. 2 – 10:30am – Kent State University

12:00pm – Baldwin Wallace University

Oct. 10 – 9:00am – Wittenberg University

Oct. 15 – 12:00pm – Ball State University

Parent / Teacher Conferences

Parent / teacher conferences will be held on Wednesday, October 16th from 2:45pm – 7:00pm. The link to schedule conference times with your student’s teachers will go live at noon on Wednesday, October 2nd.

School Photo – Picture Retake or Absent Day

Any student that was absent on picture day as well as anyone requesting a retake picture will have the opportunity to have their picture taken in the Main Gym on October 8.

If your student would like a retake of their photo, and they have received their original photo package, please have them bring their photo packet with them on this day and give to the photographer.




Parade – The Homecoming Parade will start at 6:00pm tonight. Participants, please arrive no later than 5:45 to get in order.  

Game – Tonight’s Homecoming game against Upper Arlington starts at 7:00pm.

Dance, “Under The Stars,” will be held tomorrow, September 28th, from 7:00pm to 10pm in the Field House.

Students will be admitted through the Student Entrance (B9).  Tickets are $20 for current Hilliard Bradley High School students and $25 for a guest.  Non-Bradley guests must either be a current Hilliard City Schools student (Darby or Davidson) or a graduate of Hilliard Bradley High School under the age of 21.  No middle school students or guests outside of the district are permitted.

Tickets can be purchased through Local Level Events or follow this link: Homecoming Dance Tickets.

Kroger Community Rewards:

It is easy to sign up or link your Kroger Plus card to Hilliard Bradley High School PTO!! Go to the Kroger Community Rewards website.  Search for HILLIARD BRADLEY HIGH SCHOOL PTO or use the code XS080.

This is a great way for the PTO to earn funds to support our school while Bradley families do their shopping.


Class Rings Orders

Class of 2027, now is the time to place your class ring order – online orders due Oct. 8. Hilliard Bradley High School HILLIARD, OH – Class Rings | Jostens

Free & Reduced Lunch Application

The grace period for parents of free & reduced-price students will end on Wednesday October 2nd.  Free & Reduced Lunch Application

Graduation Orders

Congratulations Class of 2025!  Click on this link to place your online orders with Jostens. Bradley Graduation – Jostens

Bradley Theater Presents….

Our next show:  Eurydice

October 4 & 5 (Fri. & Sat.)
7 pm on Fri., 2 and 7 pm on Sat.

In a humorous and poetic reimagining of the classic myth, Eurydice must travel to the Underworld after dying on her wedding day. Once there, she must choose between returning to Earth with her love, Orpheus, or staying in the Underworld with her father.

Click here for more info and tickets.

Hilliard Bradley Theater Boosters

Next meeting:  Tuesday October 8** at 7 pm

Want to know more about Bradley’s theater program?  Is your student interested in acting or the technical and behind-the-scenes aspects of theater?  Join us at our next meeting!  You’ll also get to meet our directors and booster officers.  For more information, visit or email us at

** We will have a guest speaker at this meeting from the school district’s leadership team who will present information and answer any questions about Issue 39, the combined operating and bond levy on the November 5 ballot.

Follow our socials!

Facebook – @BradleyTheater

Instagram – @BradleyTheaterBoosters

September 27 & 28 – Homecoming Game / Dance

October 8 – Picture Re-take/Absent Day

October 9 – Jostens order pickup during lunches

October 11 – End of Grading Period

October 16 – Parent / Teacher Conferences

October 18 – No School – Central Ohio In-Service

October 23 – PSAT/NMSQT

November 5 – No School – Professional Learning Waiver

November 27-29 – No School – Thanksgiving Break


Issue 39 Community Conversations Continue

Please join us for a Levy Information Community Conversation. Each meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a short presentation from Superintendent David Stewart and Treasurer Melissa Swearingen. Then, community members will have time to ask questions regarding the November 5, 2024, ballot levy initiative.

October 2 – Hoffman Trails Elementary

October 9 – Davidson High School

October 16 – Brown Elementary

October 23 – Ridgewood Elementary

Parent Voice in Hilliard Science Curriculum

The Hilliard City School District’s Curriculum Department is in the midst of a multi-year curriculum revision cycle for several content areas. An important part of this process is seeking input from our parents on what is important to them in each content area. The next content area that a district committee will revise is Science. If you are interested in providing feedback in regards to your child’s Science curriculum, please click this link and respond to a brief, two question survey. Thank you for your consideration.

Child Find

Hilliard Schools is responsible for locating any child birth through 21 with a suspected disability who resides within the Hilliard School District.   The school district provides special education services to any child who qualifies as having a disability according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act ages 3 through 21 years of age.  If you know of a child who is suspected to have a disability, please call Jamie Lennox, Director of Special Education, at 614-921-7000 or contact your building principal for more information.

Detección de Niños

Las Escuelas de Hilliard son responsables de localizar a cualquier niño desde su nacimiento hasta los 21 años de edad que se sospeche discapacitado y él cual resida dentro de los limites del Distrito Escolar de Hilliard.  El Distrito Escolar proporciona servicios de Educación Especial a cualquier niño que califique como tal, de acuerdo con la Ley del Mejoramiento Educativo pará los Individuos con Discapacidades (IDEIA de acuerdo con sus siglas en ingles) o la Sección 504 de la Ley Rehabilitación para las edades comprendidas entre los 3 hasta los 21 años de edad.  Si Usted conoce a algún niño con discapacidades o tiene la sospecha de que sufre de alguna, por favor comuníquese con la Señora Jamie Lennox, Directora de Educación Especial,  al teléfono 614-921-7000  o contáctese con el Director de la Escuela correspondiente a su área para mas información.

Important Dates

October 2 – Issue 39 Community Conversation, 6:30 pm at Hoffman Trails Elementary

October 7 – Board of Education Meeting, 6:30 pm at Heritage Middle School

October 9 – Issue 39 Community Conversation, 6:30 pm at Davidson High School

October 16 – Issue 39 Community Conversation, 6:30 pm at Brown Elementary

October 18 – No School

October 21 – Board of Education Work Session, 6:30 pm at Central Office

October 23 – Issue 39 Community Conversation, 6:30 pm at Ridgewood Elementary

November 4 – Board of Education Meeting, 6:30 pm at Bradley High School

November 5 – Election Day, No School

November 25 – Board of Education Work Session, 6:30 pm at Central Office

November 27- 29 – No School

December 9 – Board of Education Meeting, 6:30 pm at Tharp

December 23 – Winter Break Begins

January 6 – Winter Break Ends, Students Return to School

Heritage Middle School Mascot

(614) 921-7400
(614) 921-7401
Contact Us

William Warfield