Bradley eNews – November 2-6, 2020

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It is imperative that you look at HOME ACCESS regularly to check your child’s grades.  Some students are still struggling with being self-driven to complete assignments on their ‘at home’ work day.  We believe it is important to establish and maintain a schedule similar to the school day on your child’s at-home work day.  We encourage students who are not in the building to log into canvas courses in the morning to be proactive with any questions they may have regarding remote day assignments.  This practice not only helps promote a consistent routine for learning but also provides an opportunity for support from our teachers during work hours.  Teachers are at Bradley High School from 7:20 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. daily. Email and canvas messages are checked regularly before and after school as well as during teachers’ planning periods.  Emails or messages outside of the traditional school day may be answered the following day.


Students will be in HYBRID LEARNING this week – October 26-30.

Mon.  Nov. 2  A-Day Students

Tues.  Nov. 3  NO SCHOOL

Wed.  Nov. 4   A-Day Students

Thurs. Nov. 5    B-Day Students

Fri. Nov. 6         A-Day Students


Class of 2021 Senior Pictures

Attention Class of 2021, it’s never too early to turn in your senior pictures for the 2021 yearbook! For an extensive list of the criteria and directions for turning in senior pictures visit the Bradley Yearbook Website.

Here’s the full link:


College Rep visits are now being scheduled!  All visits will be virtual for this school year. You can sign up in your Naviance account. Please note – after clicking the registration button in Naviance, you must copy and paste the college’s registration link into your browser to complete the registration process. This is where you will enter your email address, so the college reps are able to email you the Zoom link on the day of the visit. Visits will continue to be scheduled over the next couple of months so be sure to check Naviance regularly. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Wintrich in the Guidance office.


Check out the COUNSELING TEAM WEBSITE.  Also, there is a lot of information on your “Class Of” Canvas page to assist you with any counseling needs.  The TEAM is here for YOU!


CLICK HERE to find information about plans after high school.  You can always reach out to your child’s school counselor if you have specific questions.


Don’t forget to order your Coffee Connections discount card!  Just $10 gets you $1 off every time you use it!  Order your card at or pick one up at Coffee Connections next time you are there.

Our wonderful PTO is still going strong…even during this crazy time!  Please join the monthly meetings via Zoom.  If you would like information on how to join the meetings, email at

November 10

December 1

Free Breakfast and Lunch for the rest of the School Year

 The USDA has again extended food service program waivers that allow all students to eat breakfast and lunch free of charge.  Because of these federal waivers, Hilliard City Schools Students may eat breakfast and lunch free of charge while at school, during eLearning, and for those in the Online Academy.  This will now continue through the end of the 2020/21 school year.

You can find pick-up instructions on our Food Service web page.

Parent University

 Hilliard City Schools is committed to partnering with our parents in order to fulfill our mission of preparing our students to be Ready for Tomorrow. Parent University is an opportunity for our community to learn more about the districts’ foundational goals; Academics, Mindset, and Interest.

Due to the pandemic, we are not able to hold an in-person Parent University like the past few years.  Instead, we are bringing you sessions On-Demand.  You can visit our Parent University page and take part in our virtual sessions.  You can hear from our teachers on how to help anxious students, get remote learning tips, hear about graduation requirement changes for the class of 2023 and beyond, and more.

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William Warfield