Bradley eNews – October 13, 2023

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Good Afternoon Jag Families,

I would like to thank everyone that had a chance to come out and support our students’ performance of Grease! It was wonderful to see many of our families, students and staff during the troops first weekend performance of the school year.

Parent teacher conferences will be held next Wednesday, October 18th. Please click the live link for signups or go to the Hilliard Bradley homepage. Directions for signup are available on the sign-up page if needed. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call the main office at 614-921-7400.

On October 24th, we will administer the PSAT10 for all of our sophomore students and the NMSQT for our junior students that have pre-registered. We will be operating on a testing delay schedule on this day. We will send out a separate email with more information next week.

Congratulations to the members of the Bradley Marching Band, who competed at the Kettering Invitational this past Saturday. The band placed 2nd overall, and won Best Overall Visual and Best Overall Color Guard. The band has 2 more performances: Saturday 10/21 at Bellbrook, and Saturday 10/28 at OMEA State Finals here at Bradley.

Finally, next Friday the building will be closed in observance of COI Day. Have a great weekend and Go Jags!

Military Scholarship Raffle

The Hilliard Purple Star is holding a raffle to win authentic theater-style seats from The Ohio State Stadium. (These seats were removed from the Suite Level, summer of 2022). Drawing will be held on January 26th, at the Bradley vs Davidson basketball game.  All proceeds will fund annual scholarships for students of active military and veteran families at each of the Purple Star Hilliard High School. Purple Star Raffle Flyer


On Tuesday, October 24 all Sophomores will take the PSAT10, and any Junior that registered will take the PSAT/NMSQT. On this day, we will be on an adjusted schedule . District Transportation will run at the normal times. Any student who is NOT testing and is in the building before 11am will have access to the Commons.

2024 Yearbook

Follow this link to order your 2024 Bradley High School Yearbook.

Senior Parents, you can also use this link to purchase a Senior Shout Out Ad (Yearbook Recognition Ad) for your senior.

Instructions to submit senior portraits can be found here. 2024 Senior Portrait Submission Link.

Attention AP Students and Parents:

Registration is open through October 27th.  Please note you must pay the exam fee to complete the registration process.  The cost of each exam is $98.  Credit card (preferred payment method), cash or check are accepted.  You can pay with a credit card online at MyPaymentsPlus.  If by check, please make payable to Hilliard City Schools.  Payment is due in full by October 27th.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Buscemi or Mrs. Wintrich in the guidance office or they can be reached at or

College Visits:

Attention juniors and seniors!  We have started to schedule visits with college representatives here at Bradley.  Please have your student use their Schoolinks account to view the full schedule of colleges and their times and sign up for visits.

October 16 – Oberlin College- 8:00am

October 18 – Ashland University- 8:00am

October 19 – George Mason University- 8:00am

Wright State University- Main- 11:00am

Lawrence Technological University- 12:30pm

October 25 – Point Park University- 9:30am


Thursday November 30 – Saturday December 2.  Info and tickets here.

Don’t miss your chance to see this gripping mystery live!

The Mousetrap is the longest-running play in the world, and for good reason. It’s a classic whodunnit with a twist that will keep you guessing until the very end.

The play follows a group of strangers who are snowed in at a remote guesthouse. When one of them is murdered, the others must work together to figure out who the killer is. But as they investigate, they soon realize that they are all suspects.

The Mousetrap is a must-see for any fan of mystery and suspense. It’s a thrilling and entertaining evening out that you won’t forget.  Get your tickets now!

October 18 – Parent / Teacher Conferences

October 20 – No School – COI Day

October 24 – PSAT10/NMSQT – All Sophomores & Registered Juniors

October 25 – Tolles Representative – All Sophomores

November 7 – No School – Professional Development Day

November 22 – 24 – No School – Thanksgiving Break

National Merit Awards

The National Merit Scholarship Program is an annual academic competition among high school students for recognition and college scholarships that began in 1955.There are close to 1.3 million entrants in the competition every year.  We are proud to share that this year there are 12 Hilliard students who have received Commended recognition and four students who are semi-finalists and continue to move on in the national competition.  To see the full list from each high school, click here.

Embrace, Empower, Inspire Awards

Congratulations to the September Embrace, Empower & Inspire Award winners, Brenda Rushin (Night Custodian at Beacon) and Tim Dellapina (Personal Success Network Coach at Darby).  You can read their nominations by clicking here.  To nominate a deserving staff member for this monthly district award, please click here.

We are Hilliard Storytelling Event

Stories are at the heart of a community, and each member of the community has a story to tell. Join Hilliard City Schools and Creating Happy Moments on November 4 at JW Reason Elementary School from 1:30-3:30 for snacks, games, and a community art project. The goal of this multilingual event is to share and learn about the customs, joyful moments, and stories that make Hilliard amazing. All ages are invited to participate in this program as listeners, storytellers, or volunteers. If you have any questions, please contact

Child Find

Hilliard Schools is responsible for locating any child birth through 21 with a suspected disability who resides within the Hilliard School District.   The school district provides special education services to any child who qualifies as having a disability according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, ages 3 through 21 years of age.  If you know of a child who is suspected to have a disability, please call Jamie Lennox, Director of Special Education, at 614-921-7000 or contact your building principal for more information.

Detección de Niños

Las Escuelas de Hilliard son responsables de localizar a cualquier niño desde su nacimiento hasta los 21 años de edad que se sospeche discapacitado y él cual resida dentro de los limites del Distrito Escolar de Hilliard.  El Distrito Escolar proporciona servicios de Educación Especial a cualquier niño que califique como tal, de acuerdo con la Ley del Mejoramiento Educativo pará los Individuos con Discapacidades (IDEIA de acuerdo con sus siglas en ingles) o la Sección 504 de la Ley Rehabilitación para las edades comprendidas entre los 3 hasta los 21 años de edad.  Si Usted conoce a algún niño con discapacidades o tiene la sospecha de que sufre de alguna, por favor comuníquese con la Señora Jamie Lennox, Directora de Educación Especial,  al teléfono 614-921-7000  o contáctese con el Director de la Escuela correspondiente a su área para mas información.



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