Brown Elementary #Together4Ten

Students from Brown Elementary's Painting Club designed the Jag cut out to represent HIlliard's flower, the sunflower.
Students from Brown Elementary’s Painting Club designed the Jag cut out to represent HIlliard’s flower, the sunflower.

Our piece was completed by 16 first and second grade artists in the Brown Elementary Painting Club. This club opportunity is made possible through the 21st Century Grant awarded to our school. It provides before school tutoring and after school enrichment programming for students in grades 1-5. For our piece, we chose to honor Hilliard’s flower– the sunflower! This work also references our student-made mural found in the entryway of our school.



More photos of our future Jaguars creating art from Brown Elementary.
More photos of our future Jaguars creating art from Brown Elementary.


Brown Elementary's sunflower themed artwork is finished!
Brown Elementary’s sunflower themed artwork is finished!

Heritage Middle School Mascot

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