Monday, February 24, 2025

Attention Rising Juniors & Seniors!

Are you trying to figure out your education and career path after high school? Sign up to take Career Mentorship semester course next year at the Innovation Campus! By gaining 50+ hours of on-site experience in a career of their choice, students are better prepared to choose a career that aligns with their skills, strengths, and interests. They will also have greater insight to help them decide the best post-secondary educational path that will assist them in reaching their goals. Check out this flyer for more information. Questions: Contact Mrs. Bonnie Holycross, HCSD Career Mentorship Coordinator, Email:


Art Club Dates: See Ms. Boiarski with any questions

February 18th, March 4th, March 18th, April 15th, April 29th, May 13th


Attention Seniors

 Local scholarships are being uploaded to Schoolinks frequently.  Please check and begin applying.


2024-2025 Yearbooks are on sale! Visit the Jostens Website to order your yearbook!  


DONUTS ANYONE?  The Girl’s Golf Team is holding a Krispy Kreme donut fundraiser.  Use the link or QR code to purchase a digital dozen for $15.00.  A redemption code will be sent to your email that can be redeemed at any Krispy Kreme donut shop.  The codes do not expire and can be used any time.  Please help support the team by purchasing your digital dozen TODAY.


Order Krispy Kreme Digital Dozens Supporting Bradley Girls Golf Team!


Thursday, February 20, 2025



SOCCER:  Registration for Soccer Youth Camp is live! Please share with anyone who may be interested! This is for both boys and girls and hosted by all Hilliard High Schools and their soccer programs together. 

June 24-26

6:00-8:00 pm

Darby High School

Incoming K-8


Wednesday, February 19, 2025



SOCCER:  Registration for Soccer Youth Camp is live! Please share with anyone who may be interested! This is for both boys and girls and hosted by all Hilliard High Schools and their soccer programs together. 

June 24-26

6:00-8:00 pm

Darby High School

Incoming K-8


Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Attention Rising Juniors & Seniors!


Are you trying to figure out your education and career path after high school? Sign up to take Career Mentorship semester course next year at the Innovation Campus! By gaining 50+ hours of on-site experience in a career of their choice, students are better prepared to choose a career that aligns with their skills, strengths, and interests. They will also have greater insight to help them decide the best post-secondary educational path that will assist them in reaching their goals. Check out this flyer for more information. Questions: Contact Mrs. Bonnie Holycross, HCSD Career Mentorship Coordinator, Email:


Attention Seniors


 Local scholarships are being uploaded to Schoolinks frequently.  Please check and begin applying.


2024-2025 Yearbooks are on sale! Visit the Jostens Website to order your yearbook!  



SOCCER:  Registration for Soccer Youth Camp is live! Please share with anyone who may be interested! This is for both boys and girls and hosted by all Hilliard High Schools and their soccer programs together. 

June 24-26

6:00-8:00 pm

Darby High School

Incoming K-8


Thursday, February 13, 2025


Attention Rising Juniors & Seniors!

Are you trying to figure out your education and career path after high school? Sign up to take Career Mentorship semester course next year at the Innovation Campus! By gaining 50+ hours of on-site experience in a career of their choice, students are better prepared to choose a career that aligns with their skills, strengths, and interests. They will also have greater insight to help them decide the best post-secondary educational path that will assist them in reaching their goals. Check out this flyer for more information. Questions: Contact Mrs. Bonnie Holycross, HCSD Career Mentorship Coordinator, Email:


Attention Seniors

 Local scholarships are being uploaded to Schoolinks frequently.  Please check and begin applying.


2024-2025 Yearbooks are on sale! Visit the Jostens Website to order your yearbook!  

Senior parents – Order your Senior Shoutout Ad for the yearbook as soon as possible! 



GIRLS LACROSSE:  For anyone interested in participating in Girls Lacrosse, please come to the preseason meeting on Thursday, February 13, in the aux cafeteria at 6:00pm.  Please email Coach Kramer at with questions.

SOCCER:  Registration for Soccer Youth Camp is live! Please share with anyone who may be interested! This is for both boys and girls and hosted by all Hilliard High Schools and their soccer programs together. 

June 24-26

6:00-8:00 pm

Darby High School

Incoming K-8


Heritage Middle School Mascot

(614) 921-7400
(614) 921-7401
Contact Us

William Warfield