K-12 English Language Arts Draft Course of Study Preview

The Hilliard City School District is in the process of revising its K-12 English Language Arts Course of Study. The District’s English Language Arts Curriculum Revision Committee has just completed the development of the K-12 English Language Arts Course of Study. This Course of Study was presented to the Board of Education on Monday, November 1. The Board will be reviewing the Course of Study over the next several weeks before voting on its adoption. We invite all families and the community to preview the K-12 English Language Arts Draft Course of Study and, if so desire, use the Feedback Form as an opportunity to provide feedback. Please note that the Course of Study development is a part of Phase 1, which does not include Resource Adoption. Resource Alignment and Adoption will take place during the next phase of the revision cycle.

If the community seeks to understand the curriculum revision process, please refer to the following board policies as a resource.

  • IFD-R – Curriculum Adoption Process Guidelines
  • IFE – Curriculum Guides and Course Outlines

K-12 Course of Study

National Merit Scholars and Perfect ACT Recognition

Last night at the Board of Education meeting, these Hilliard City School students were recognized for receiving the National Merit Award. Congratulations on your outstanding achievement!

Bradley High School

National Merit Semi-finalists

Trisha Suresh
Anh Thi Hoang Thai

National African American Recognition Award

Abdullahi Abdi

National Rural and Small Town Award

Anthony Berman
Justin Planck
Neil Reddy
Samantha Hosni
Trisha Suresh


Darby High School

National Merit Semi-finalist

Amanda Cowen

Commended Scholars

Vamsee Cheruvu
Spoorthi Kandalai
Sohni Kothari
Landry Lee
Jacob Norris
Siddharth Perabathini
Jason Williams
Austin Yoder

ACT Perfect Score

Austin Yoder

National African American Recognition Award

Maazza Elzubier


Davidson High School

National Merit Semi-finalists

Joshua Bly
Saad Ijaz

Commended Scholars

Carter Davis
Brandon Geduldig
Elyse Kesterson
Jackson Wickham

ACT Perfect Score

Saad Ijaz

National African American Recognition Award

Brooke Evans-McMichael

National Indigenous Award

Brooke Evans-McMichael

National Hispanic Award

Genevieve Flores

Alumni Spotlights

Hilliard Schools is proud of the excellence demonstrated by our alumni.  We want to share their stories and are creating a new Alumni Spotlight to highlight and recognize alumni achievements, along with the impacts they are making in their fields and communities.  These stories will be shared as a means to inspire our current students to pursue their dreams, connect alumni back to our community and serve as a point of district wide and community celebration.

If you want to be considered for an alumni spotlight, or want to recommend someone else, please email us with more details and don’t forget to attach a picture of yourself.

Master Facilities Plan Community Survey

You may be aware of work being done to create a Master Facilities Plan (MFP) for our district.   The MFP will be the product of a data-driven process that guides capital planning decisions over the next 5-10 years.  An essential part of this process is community and stakeholder feedback.

We want to ask our parents, staff, and community members to take a few minutes to give us their input by taking a short survey.  Then, you can watch a video or read the presentation through the links below.  The survey link is also below.

Thank you ahead of time for taking part in this crucial step.


Click here for the video presentation.

Master Facilities Plan Survey Presentation

Click here to take the survey.

Heritage Middle School Mascot

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