Next Community Conversation – December 5, 2023

Next Community Conversation – December 5, 2023

To prepare all students without exception to be Ready for Tomorrow, we must create authentic partnerships with our community.  We want to hear your ideas, thoughts, and opinions about how your schools should approach a changing landscape. That’s why the Hilliard Board of Education created the Community Conversation Program.

How we educate students is changing rapidly.  There are many choices about how schools will look and work as we move forward. These decisions need to be made as a community and with the consideration of many different voices.  We need to understand our residents and build a better relationship between the school district and the community. This demands a different kind of conversation. Sometimes, that will mean reaching out to a specific group in our community. Other times, it means defining an issue or topic that demands community input.  There will be board members and district administrators at each conversation.

These will happen quarterly.

  • Tuesday, March 7 – 5:30 pm at the Hub (3859 Main Street, Hilliard)
  • Tuesday, June 13 – 9 am at the Hub
  • Tuesday, September 5 – 5:30 pm at the Hub
  • Tuesday, December 5 – 9 am at Central Office (2140 Atlas Street, Columbus)

Please join us to share your voice.

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William Warfield