Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) #Together4Ten

Family & Consumer Sciences–each claw represents a different aspect of FCS classes. The order from left to right: Textiles and Design, Culinary Cuisine and Global Gourmet, Careers and Money Management, Child and Family Studies.
Family & Consumer Sciences–each claw represents a different aspect of FCS classes. The order from left to right: Textiles and Design, Culinary Cuisine and Global Gourmet, Careers and Money Management, Child and Family Studies.
Dana Brown, our FCS teacher, thoughtfully decorated a B-claw to represent elements of curriculum.
Dana Brown, our FCS teacher, thoughtfully decorated a B-claw to represent elements of curriculum.
Family & Consumer Sciences--each claw will show a different aspect of FCS classes. The first is sewing. Finances, child rearing and cooking will be added in a similar collaged way.
Family & Consumer Sciences–each claw will show a different aspect of FCS classes. The first is sewing. Finances, child rearing and cooking will be added in a similar way.

Heritage Middle School Mascot

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William Warfield