February 22 + February 23


Monday, February 22 and Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Happy Birthday to:

Monday: Aaliyah Bridges, Arriana Graves

Tuesday: Youssef Darwish, Landon Hiddle


Breakfast and lunch are free this year to all students.


Diversity Club meeting

Topic: Black Lives Matters in Schools

Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2:45-3:30 (B day)

Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2:45-3:30 (A day)

Attendance reporting: Don’t forget to use the School Messenger app to report absences and early dismissals.

If it is after 12:00pm, please email: hbrattendance@hboe.org

Anime Club

Meets in SC140 every Wednesday starting November 4, after school until 4pm.

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

Monthly meetings will be held the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

Future Medicals

Next meeting, Monday, Feb 22, with a local vet showing a spay surgery!

Meetings are via zoom! See Mrs. Baker with any questions!

Interact Club Meeting

Hybrid A – Wed., Feb. 24, after school in the Media Center. Hybrid B – Tues., March 2, after school in the Media Center.

We will be making “Shamrock Sayings” to hang around school.

Strategy Game Club

Meets in SC140 every Thursday starting November 5, after school until 5pm.

Intramural Sports

Be sure to check out the new Canvas course, HBR – Bradley Intramurals! Questions, email me at brad_gmerek@hboe.org or stop in and see me in room B252.


ATTENTION SENIORS: Scholarship info

It is time to start checking the Scholarship section in Naviance.

Local Scholarships are being added frequently and deadlines are approaching.

Below are scholarships and their deadlines. Check Naviance for details.

Scholarship Deadline Scholarship Deadline

Kiwanis 2/21/2021 HEA 3/15/2021

Brown Elementary 2/25/2021 John Kudart 3/15/2021

Bradley Athletic Boosters 2/26/2021 Optimist 3/15/2021

Hollyfest 2/26/2021 Stevie Ray 3/15/2021

Bradley PTO 3/1/2021 Memorial 3/19/2021

Norwich Fire 3/1/2021 OAPSE 3/19/2021

Hilliard Music Boosters 3/8/2021 Cody Jewell 3/22/2021

Tutoring Club 3/10/2021 Conklin 3/24/2021

Ackerson Eye Care 3/12/2021 Rotary 3/24/2021

Chip Pliickebaum 3/12/2021 Credit Union of Ohio 3/25/2021

Hilliard Alumni 3/12/2021 Hilliard Area Realty 3/25/2021

Hilliard Baseball 3/12/2021 Wendy O. Ward 3/26/2021

Hilliard Education 3/12/2021 Hilliard Arts Council 3/30/2021

John Crumley 3/12/2021 Harold Lawson 3/31/2021

Ruth Fullen 3/12/2021 9 Trees 4/1/2021

Sophia Margiotta 3/12/2021 Kim Lease 4/1/2021


Monday, February 22

Bowling – Boys and Girls Bowling will compete in Districts at HP Lanes.

Boys Basketball – The Freshman Boys Basketball team will travel to Central Crossing. Tip-off is scheduled for 5:00.

Tuesday, February 23

There are no athletic events scheduled for today.


Boys Track – Any boys interested in participating in track & field, please contact Coach Gadfield via email (ben_gadfield@hboe.org) for information on the upcoming 2021 season. First official day of practice is scheduled for Monday, February 22.

Heritage Middle School Mascot

(614) 921-7400
(614) 921-7401
Contact Us

William Warfield