Friday, January 28


Friday, January 28, 2022


Happy Birthday today:  Noha Abu, Makai Johnson, Ashley Lawrence, Jason Moine

Happy Birthday:  Saturday:  Trinity Hopson; Sunday:  Haley Roberts, Mrs. Waller




Students/Parents:  When a parent is dropping off something for their student, we will let the parent in to the vestibule to drop the item off on the table.  Please make sure there is a name on it (pen and sticky notes are provided), and that the student is aware it has been dropped off.


NO Food deliveries:  Remember that no food deliveries are allowed during the school day.  Also, remember that basic lunches are still free in the cafeteria.




Just a reminder from Transportation– Hilliard City Schools is not allowing guests (non-assigned students) on buses.  Due to the amount of students assigned to buses and COVID (particularly contact tracing), we cannot accommodate extra passengers at this time.


Parents / Students:  If a student has a zoom/in-building appointment with an outside source, and they will be staying in the building for this, they still need a parent permission note for missing class(es).  This is the same procedure as though they are leaving the building.  They will need to sign out and back in at the Attendance office to make sure they get excused.  It can be reported in School Messenger, or an email,, or give your student a note to give the attendance office.

If we don’t receive notification from parents, the student will be unexcused.


NO Change or vending machine refunds:  The office does not have change or refunds.  For refunds, you will need to call the number on the machine.


If you have started to drive and park at school, you will need to register your car.  Go to Canvas, then “announcements” from the beginning of the school year, fill out the google doc and come to the Main Office for your parking tag.  Reminder that parking for students is on the north side of the building.  That is the lot between Bradley and Memorial all the spots in front of the stadium.



There is a full list of clubs and descriptions in the rack on the wall in the Main office. 

REMINDER:  when there is no school, there are no club meetings.


Film Club will meet THURSDAY, Feb 3, to watch WAYNES WORLD!  See you in SC147!


Club dates:

Art Club:  Every other Tuesday, 2:32-3:30, C104

February 1, February 15, March 1, March 15, April 5, April 19,

May 10

Baking Club:  In PA103 from 2:45 – 4pm, Tuesdays:  Feb. 8, Mar. 15, Apr. 12, May 10

Bradley Faith:  Every Thursday at 2:45, in B276

Chess Club:  Every Tuesday, after school until 4pm, Commons

Diversity Club:  2:45-4pm in C285; We- Feb 9, Tu-Feb 15, We-Mar 2, Tu-Mar 15, We-Apr 13, Tu- Apr 19, May 10, May 17

Film Club:  more dates soon

Future Engineers Club:  Every Monday, 2:50-4:00, PA132

Future Medicals: Meets 2nd/4th Monday in SC147

Interact Club Meeting Dates:  Thursdays – Jan. 27, Feb. 10 & 24, March 10 & 31, April 14 & 28, and May 12.  Meetings are open to all Bradley students.

Jags of Clay:  tba

Key Club:  Feb. 7, March 7, 21, April 4, 18, May 2, 16

Math Club:  every Friday, 2:40-3:30, in A133

The Future Business Leaders of America:  2nd Thursday of the month

Strategy Game Club:  Meets every Thursday right after school

UNICEF Club:  2:40-4:00 – Meetings are held in Room C285 (if occupied we will be in Room B254)



Nothing new at this time.



FriYAY, January 28



4:30 Freshman at Davidson

6:00 JV at Davidson

7:30 Varsity at Davidson



6:00 JV hosts Davidson

7:30 Varsity hosts Davidson


Saturday, January 29



10:00 Varsity at Mason Boyd Tournament at Watkins Memorial



9:00 Varsity at Upper Arlington



10:30 Varsity Baker Tournament at Wayne Webb’s Columbus Bowl



12:00 JV hosts Newark





Boys volleyball gyms will be held on Mondays from 8:30pm – 10:00pm, and will continue every Monday through February 21.  Anyone is welcome, even if you’ve never played before.


Heritage Middle School Mascot

(614) 921-7400
(614) 921-7401
Contact Us

William Warfield