Friday, October 4

Parent / teacher conferences will be held on Wednesday, October 16th from 2:45pm – 7:00pm. The link to schedule conference times with your student’s teachers will go live at noon on Wednesday, October 2nd.

The AAPPL Test for the Ohio Seal of Biliteracy will be offered to seniors on October 23 from 7:40 am -11:00 am. Registration forms are available in the guidance office or from your world language teacher. See Mrs. Lawrence in B274 with questions.


AP (Advanced Placement) Exam Registration is now open! If you (or your student) is currently in an AP course, please register to take the exam on MyPaymentsPlus. Taking the AP Exam and getting a qualifying score helps students save time and money by earning college credit or advanced placement, which allows them to skip introductory college courses. Most colleges grant credit, advanced placement or both for qualifying AP Exam scores.

  • The registration window is 9/25/24 – 10/25/24  
  • Each AP exam is $99
  • Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch have a fee of $53 per exam

See Mrs. Buscemi or Mrs. Wintrich in guidance with any questions!






Anyone interested in trying out for basketball cheer, try-outs will be held October 6 from 5:00-7:00 in the MMS aux gym.  In order to try out, you must have a Final Forms account with a current physical uploaded.  Please email Coach Duckworth at with any questions.  


If you have any gymnastics experience- please consider coming out for the Varsity Gymnastics Team!  High School gymnastics is a fun, supportive environment that allows you to progress your skills!  For any questions- you can reach out to Coach Carol Eskay via email at or visit our website at

Pre-Season Lifting

  • Tuesdays, 6:15pm-7:00 pm in the Bradley Weight Room (this is for Darby, Davidson, & Bradley!) Starts 9/17.

Open Gyms for Hilliard High School Gymnastics (hosted by Fliptastic!)

  • Sunday October 6th and October 20th.  $5 cash per open gym. No registration required- you will just need to fill out a waiver at the session. Open to all returning gymnasts as well as anyone interested in coming out for the program!


  • Friday November 1st and Saturday November 2nd – Held at Fliptastic! Gymnastics


Heritage Middle School Mascot

(614) 921-7400
(614) 921-7401
Contact Us

William Warfield