Jag Ambassadors #Together4Ten

Showcasing the Jaguar Ambassadors many service projects, their art piece shows the hard work and dedication of its members.
Showcasing the Jaguar Ambassadors many service projects, their art piece shows the hard work and dedication of its members.

Jag Ambassadors is a service group of highly motivated students.  Our Ambassadors go out into the community and serve wherever they are needed.  They are often the face of Bradley High School and sometimes Hilliard schools as a whole.  Our group prides ourselves on our consistency and dependability. We have helped with volunteer opportunities large and small; some of the help we have offered includes babysitting at PTO meetings, helping with flower sales, food drives, Pennies for Patients, welcoming at events, and so much more. We chose to decorate our cutout with pictures of us interacting with the community both in and out of school.





Ambassadors worked together to design and decorate their art.
Ambassadors worked together to design and decorate their art.

Heritage Middle School Mascot

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William Warfield