Monday, January 13, 2025
The Model UN Club will have its Debrief Meeting in the Media Center on Thursday January 16th at 2:40PM. Please attend!
ASVAB – January 29th, 7:30am – Hilliard Bradley High School Media Center
Students will have the opportunity to sit for the test with an official and approved administrator. This test offers insight into strengths for those wishing to pursue a career in the military as well as those who are not. The test offers availability to thousands of scholarships upon completion of the test. Sign up here.
Local scholarships are being uploaded to Schoolinks frequently. Please check and begin applying.
Any students interested in applying to attend Tolles for the 2025-2026 school year the priority deadline is January 20, 2025. Here is the link to apply
COLLEGE VISITS – Sign up on Schoolinks
Marshall University, Jan. 21, 12pm
University of Rio Grande, Jan. 22, 10:30am
University of South Carolina-Columbia, Feb. 6, 9am
Attention Seniors – there is a NEW process to receive the Honors Diploma this year. Since there are new options/requirements (the “old” requirements are still an option) for the Class of 2025, our district has created an application for the Honors Diploma.
In order to receive the Honors Diploma in May, you must submit an application. It will then be reviewed and your School Counselor will connect with you next semester. Deadline to submit your application is Friday, January 17!
ACT and SAT!
- Understanding ACT and SAT – Jan. 15 at 6:30pm at Davidson
College Fair!
- When: Feb. 2
- Time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm
- Where: Columbus Convention Center
- Registration:
2024-2025 Yearbooks are on sale! Visit the Jostens Website to order your yearbook!
Senior parents – Order your Senior Shoutout Ad for the yearbook as soon as possible! Senior Portraits should be submitted on the Class of 2025 Canvas page.
Purple Star Military Appreciation Night
Mark your calendars NOW to join us for the Military Appreciation Basketball Game Friday, January 24, 2025!!
Join us for our Purple Star Military Appreciation Night at Hilliard Bradley HS for the boys and girls basketball game against Upper Arlington starting at 6pm.
Girls Tip-Off @ 6:00 pm
Boys Tip-Off @ 7:30 pm
Go Jags!!