Monday, March 1 + Tuesday, March 2



Monday, 3/1 and Tuesday 3/2, 2021


Happy Birthday to: 

Monday:  Jonathan Brumfield, Caden Ellison, Ashley Evans, Brian Garcia-Sanchez, Kaia Lewis, Ava Mills, Laney Purcell

Tuesday:  Abigail Neill, Nahid Paknazhad, Mr. Bobek



Breakfast and lunch are free this year to all students.




Picture Days are finally here. 

Wednesday, March 3 (Hybrid A) and Thursday, March 4 (Hybrid B).  Students will be called down over the loudspeaker when it is time for their picture to be taken.


Attendance reporting:  Don’t forget to use the School Messenger app to report absences and early dismissals.

If it is after 12:00pm, please email:


Anime Club

Meets in SC140 every Wednesday starting November 4, after school until 4pm.


Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

Monthly meetings will be held the 3rd Tuesday of each month.


Interact Club Meeting

Hybrid B – Tues., March 2, after school in the Media Center.

We will be making “Shamrock Sayings” to hang around school.


Strategy Game Club

Meets in SC140 every Thursday starting November 5, after school until 5pm.


Intramural Sports

Be sure to check out the new Canvas course, HBR – Bradley Intramurals!  Questions, email me at or stop in and see me in room B252.






The PSAT10 test will be administered at Bradley on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 7:40am-11:00am, for all sophomores.

There is no charge for this test.  This is a great opportunity for you to practice for the SAT.


ATTENTION SENIORS:  Scholarship info

It is time to start checking the Scholarship section in Naviance.

Local Scholarships are being added frequently and deadlines are approaching.

Below are scholarships and their deadlines.  Check Naviance for details.

Scholarship Deadline Scholarship Deadline
Kiwanis 2/21/2021 HEA 3/15/2021
Brown Elementary 2/25/2021 John Kudart 3/15/2021
Bradley Athletic Boosters 2/26/2021 Optimist 3/15/2021
Hollyfest 2/26/2021 Stevie Ray 3/15/2021
Bradley PTO 3/1/2021 Memorial 3/19/2021
Norwich Fire 3/1/2021 OAPSE 3/19/2021
Hilliard Music Boosters 3/8/2021 Cody Jewell 3/22/2021
Tutoring Club 3/10/2021 Conklin 3/24/2021
Ackerson Eye Care 3/12/2021 Rotary 3/24/2021
Chip Pliickebaum 3/12/2021 Credit Union of Ohio 3/25/2021
Hilliard Alumni 3/12/2021 Hilliard Area Realty 3/25/2021
Hilliard Baseball 3/12/2021 Wendy O. Ward 3/26/2021
Hilliard Education 3/12/2021 Hilliard Arts Council 3/30/2021
John Crumley 3/12/2021 Harold Lawson 3/31/2021
Ruth Fullen 3/12/2021 9 Trees 4/1/2021
Sophia Margiotta 3/12/2021 Kim Lease 4/1/2021




Monday, March 1


There are no athletic events scheduled for today.


Tuesday, March 2


There are no athletic events scheduled for today.

Heritage Middle School Mascot

(614) 921-7400
(614) 921-7401
Contact Us

William Warfield