Thursday, Jan. 21 + Friday, Jan. 22



Thursday, January 21 & Friday, January 22, 2021



Happy Birthday to: 

Thursday:  Evan Poff, Jacob Snyder, Mrs. Keller, Mr. Ufferman

Friday:  Nazhan Alkhalaf, Jessica Barton, Gwyneth Caudy, Ariana Gill, Jason Morbitzer, Robert Ritch, Magdelena Shaeffer

Saturday:  Sabriye Bayati, Joshua Graham, Brandon Ramirez Gonzalez, Maria Rodriguez Severiano, Olivia Sheppard

Sunday:  Meghan Bee, Madison Sedlock, Kate Shockley, Esther Solokha



Breakfast and lunch are free this year to all students.




Hey Jags!  Auditions for Bradley Choir are coming up next week Monday through Friday.

If you are not currently in choir but would like to audition, please see Mr. Witt in PA121 or 124 to sign up for an audition slot.  Auditions for choir are just for placement in a specific choir and are very relaxed.  All are welcome!  You can also go to to find out more about auditions.

Have a great day and GO JAGS!!


Attendance reporting:  Don’t forget to use the School Messenger app to report absences and early dismissals.

If it is after 12:00pm, please email:



Anime Club

Meets in SC140 every Wednesday starting November 4, after school until 4pm.


Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

Monthly meetings will be held the 3rd Tuesday of each month.


Strategy Game Club

Meets in SC140 every Thursday starting November 5, after school until 5pm.


Intramural Sports

Be sure to check out the new Canvas course, HBR – Bradley Intramurals!  Questions, email me at or stop in and see me in room B252.





ATTENTION SENIORS:  Scholarship info

It is time to start checking the Scholarship section in Naviance.

Local Scholarships are being added frequently and deadlines are approaching.




Thursday, January 21


Wrestling – The Wrestling team will travel to Olentangy Liberty.  Matches are scheduled to begin at 5:30.


Friday, January 22


Boys Basketball – The JV and Varsity Boys Basketball teams will travel to Upper Arlington.  JV is scheduled to tip-off at 5:30, followed by the Varsity at 7:00.


Girls Basketball – The JV and Varsity Girls Basketball teams will host Upper Arlington.  JV is scheduled to tip-off at 5:30, followed by the Varsity at 7:00.


Bowling – The Boys and Girls Bowling teams will host Worthington Kilbourne.  Matches are scheduled to begin at 4:00.


Saturday, January 23


Boys Basketball – The JV and Varsity Boys Basketball teams will travel to Pickerington North.  JV is scheduled to tip-off at 6:00, followed by the Varsity at 7:30.




Girls Lacrosse – Any girl interested in joining the Girls Lacrosse program – please email Coach Rice at

Heritage Middle School Mascot

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William Warfield