Hilliard Bradley High School
Thursday, October 17, 2024
No School tomorrow, Friday, October 18th
AP (Advanced Placement) Exam Registration is now open! If you (or your student) is currently in an AP course, please register to take the exam on MyPaymentsPlus. Taking the AP Exam and getting a qualifying score helps students save time and money by earning college credit or advanced placement, which allows them to skip introductory college courses. Most colleges grant credit, advanced placement or both for qualifying AP Exam scores.
- The registration window is 9/25/24 – 10/25/24
- Each AP exam is $99
- Understanding College Loans meeting – October 29 at 6:30pm at Darby!
- Most students will have some form of student loan after attending college. It is important for students/parents to understand how student loans work and what their payment options are after graduation. This meeting will help everyone better understand how student loans impact the student and family.
October 23: PSAT/NMSQT
Interact club is hosting a Blood Drive
When: Wednesday, Oct 30, 2024
Where: Door B9 to Auxiliary Commons
Time: 8 am to 2 pm
Come and give and receive a $10 gift card.
To schedule an appointment, visit RedCrossBlood.org , sponsor code: BradleyHS
The AAPPL Test for the Ohio Seal of Biliteracy will be offered to seniors on October 23 from 7:40 am -11:00 am. Registration forms are available in the guidance office or from your world language teacher. See Mrs. Lawrence in B274 with questions.
6:00 scrimmage Girls Volleyball vs Grove City 7:00pm OHSAA Girls Soccer vs Grove City |