December 20, 2024

High School Semester Assessment Schedule
Semester exams will be held from Tuesday, December 17th through Friday December 20th.  To view the full schedule, click here.


-Students are not required to be here if they do not have an exam on a particular day.

-Students are not required to be here until their scheduled exam.

-Students are not required to stay after the last exam of the day.  Students will be allowed to leave after the last exam of the day at 11:00am.  If students exit the building after 11:00am, they will not be allowed to re-enter unless approved by the administration.

-Lunch will be provided to all students from 10:50am -11:25am on exam days.

-Busses will run on our normal schedule.  If students ride the bus in the afternoon, they stay in the commons unless they are in the Health & Wellness Lessons.

-If a review session ends before 2:32pm, students can leave for the day if they have transportation, get picked up, or walk.

-If a review session ends before 2:32pm, and students ride the bus home in the afternoon, they will be required to sit in the commons until the end of the day.

-Make-Up Exams:  approved absences for missing an exam will be for Vacation and Excused Absences ONLY.


Congratulations to Mykah Bailey on being named Hilliard Darby Athlete of the Month for December. Mykah has had an unbelievable offseason and a fantastic start to her sophomore season. All of her hard work and dedication is really paying off. She was nominated as a Central District All-Star winning her all-star match to a returning state qualifier. She was invited to attend Ironman which is one of the toughest tournaments in the country at Walsh Jesuit High School. She had a great weekend at Ironman, going 3-2 and placing 7th becoming only the 3rd wrestler to ever place at Ironman from Hilliard Darby. With Mykah’s work ethic, we expect some great things coming in the near future.

Congratulations to Logan Krooner for being named Hilliard Darby Athlete of the Month for December. Logan Krooner is a returning captain with a current record of 11-0 at the 215lb weight class. He was 1st at the Bellefontaine Jimmy Mac Invitational and 1st at Marengo Highland Kilted Klassic. Only a sophomore, he was already nominated as a Central District All-Star. Logan is also a great student with all A’s and one B in the first quarter while taking all advanced classes. Most importantly, Logan is a fantastic person treating everyone with respect. He is a great role model with an unbelievable work ethic and discipline.

Winter Sports Senior Nights
Gymnastics 2/5 5:30 pm

Athletic schedules, passes and tickets can be found on the Darby Athletics website.


Senior Wish Ad in 2024-2025 Yearbook

Congratulate your senior in the 24-25 yearbook! Wish Ads for the Class of 2025 are now available for purchase. Everything you need to purchase a Wish Ad is available in the Yearbook Canvas Corner and on the yearbook webpage.

Share your photos (you must be the photographer) by emailing or sharing them with a yearbook staff member.

Now is the time to order your 2024-2025 Darby yearbook! 

Did you know that the yearbook price increases as the year goes on?  The earlier you order, the better.  The next price change happens December 28. Jostens also offers a payment plan if that helps your budget.

Share your photos (you must be the photographer) by emailing or sharing them with a yearbook staff member.


Help Support our PTO
Super thankful for our Darby Parents! There are many small ways to participate that make a HUGE difference! Grab friends and serve together at any of our volunteer opportunities!

Want to participate, but time is limited? – Your donation is appreciated!

Complete Our Volunteer Survey –

Kroger Community Rewards – This is easy money! Use your Kroger App and log in or visit to create an account. Select Community Rewards Organizations and choose Hilliard Darby H.S. PTO, #JF441. 

Darby PTO Website – Check here for PTO Meeting dates, Cookie Day dates and more! 

Darby PTO Facebook – Hilliard Darby High School PTO

Darby PTO Email –  Email us to be added to the list for email updates.

Important Dates
12/23/24 – 1/3/25 – Winter Break
1/7/25 – PTO Meeting, 6 pm, Principal’s Conference Room
1/8/25 – Theatre Boosters Meeting, 7 pm, X-Theatre
1/16/25 – PTO Cookie Day
1/20/25 – No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1/21/25 – Incoming 9th Grade Parent Meeting, 6:30 pm, PAC
1/22/25 – Direct Workforce Meeting, 6:30 pm, PAC
1/23/25 – College Savings Planning, 6:30 pm, PAC
1/28 & 1/29/25 – Signs of Suicide Curriculum – watch for more details
1/30/25 – Winter Blood Drive
1/31-2/2/25 – Hilliard Darby Theatre presents “The Desk Set”
2/5/25 – Class Scheduling Meetings
2/12/25 – Parent/Teacher Conference Night
2/14/25 – No School
2/17/25 – No School – President’s Day
2/27/25 – Summa Cum Laude Breakfast (students will be notified in late January if they qualify)
3/21/25 – Academic Awards: 8 am- Freshman, 9 am – Sophomores, 10 am – Juniors, 1 pm – Seniors
3/31/25 – 4/4/25 – Spring Break
4/8/25 – Senior Cap & Gown Distribution
4/11/25 – Senior Scholarship Awards Ceremony, 8:30 am, PAC
4/11/25 – Senior Academic Signing Ceremony, 1 pm, PAC
4/17/25 – District Military Signing Ceremony, 1 pm, PAC
4/26/25 – Prom, 7:30 pm, The Exchange at Bridge Park
5/8/25 – Band Concert, 7 pm, PAC
5/9/25 – Jazz Band Concert, 7 pm, PAC
5/12/25 – Choir Concert, 7 pm, PAC
5/13/25 – Orchestra Concert, 7 pm, PAC
5/15/25 – Choir Farewell Concert, 7 pm, PAC
5/16/25 – Seniors Last Day
5/22/25 – Graduation Practice MANDATORY – 10 am, Main Gym
5/22/25 – Graduation, 7 pm, The Jerome Schottenstein Center
5/26/25 – No School – Memorial Day
5/30/25 – Last Day of School

Holding meetings at school and want them listed?  Submit meetings or events here.

Hilliard Darby High School Mascot

(614) 921-7300
(614) 921-7301
Contact Us

Matt Middleton