If you find an email link that does not work properly please notify Mrs. Ribble as soon as possible. The message center may be accessed from outside the District’s phone system by dialing 614-921-5555. After reaching the message center follow the prompts to reach the staff members voice mailbox.
Last Name |
First Name |
Department |
A |
Agriesti | Jon | Social Studies |
Anderson | Matt | Assistant Principal |
Apel | Thad | Wellness/Trainer |
B |
Barber | Betsy | Science |
Basinger | Courtney | Athletic Trainer |
Beatty | Jennifer | English |
Bell | Eric | Business |
Bell | Evan | Business |
Bell | Monica | Main Office Secretary |
Biller | Rebecca | Math |
Bondy | Katie | Math |
Boza | Beth | Art |
Buoni | Chris | Custodian |
Burgei | Matthew | Science |
Buxton | Sharla | EL |
C |
Camp | Kris | Social Studies |
Canty | Sabine | Diversity |
Caudill | Jim | Social Studies |
Chase | Chris | Custodian |
Chumita | Tyler | Math |
Chute | Richard | Math/Science |
Crawford | Jenna | Intervention Specialist/SLSP |
Crawford | Nick | Social Studies |
Curtiss-Kast | Amy | Spanish |
D |
Danko | Maura | Math |
DelaCruz | Connie | Science |
Dellapina | Tim | Personal Success Network |
DeOerio | Michael | Intervention Assistant |
Dickmann | Brian | Science |
Dietrich | Scott | Engineering |
Dietrich | Stephanie | French |
E |
Ebenezer | Amy | Science |
Ellington | Carrie | Intervention Assistant |
F |
Fair | Laurie | Media Center Assistant |
Federer | Leslye | Educational Assistant |
Ferreri | Carrie | English |
Fetters | Tom | Truancy Officer |
Figel | Jon | Guidance (E-K) |
Fischer | Norb | Guidance (A-D) |
Fowler | Jackie | Math |
Fugitt | Chris | Wellness |
G |
Geers | Nathan | Wellness |
Glover | Jaevon | Tech |
Golden | Erica | English |
Gordon | Nancy | Intervention Assistant |
Graham | JB | Custodian |
Grieble | Stephanie | ELL |
Griffith | Michelle | Intervention Specialist/SLSP |
H |
Haight | Yvonne | Supp. Services Teacher |
Hall | Lauren | Assistant Principal |
Haller | Leigha | Intervention Assistant |
Helmlinger | Andrew | Math |
Henkel | Nikki | Media Center Specialist |
Henwood | Kelli | School Psychologist |
Hickson | Lauren | Social Worker (A-K) |
Holland | Ellen | Nurse |
Hooper | Kristina | Science |
Hume | Jody | Intervention Assistant |
I |
Iacano | Rachel | Psychologist |
Ioia | Thomas | Custodian |
J |
James | Nick | Band |
Jones | Jeremy | Grounds |
K |
Kanagasabapathy | Sivashree | Intervention Assistant |
Kane | Cathy | Guidance Secretary |
Kelly | Jennifer | Intervention Assistant |
Ketcham | Hollie | Attendance Secretary |
Kinney | Genny | Intervention Assistant |
Kisner | Andrew | Math |
Kisner | Kim | Intervention Specialist |
Kozman | Jeremy | Band |
Kruder | Allison | Spanish |
L |
Large | Cindy | School Counselor (L-Q) |
Lewis | Hannah | English |
Limbacher | Peggy | Intervention Specialist |
Lohmann | Craig | English |
Ludban | Chris | Athletic Director |
M |
Madigan | Crystal | Math |
Martin | Elizabeth | Intervention Assistant |
Martin | Laura | Speech Pathologist |
Martin | Mike | Choir |
Maul | Chris | Business |
McClaskie | Kaylee | Health |
McDaniels | Laura | Science |
McDuffie | Daniel | Social Studies |
Meach | Theresa | Custodian |
Messick | Amy | Social Studies |
Middleton | Matt | Principal |
Miller | Brett | Math |
Miller | Jennifer | Athletic Secretary |
Mitchell | Steven | Custodian |
Mohamed | Sahar | Aide |
Mohammad | Nada | Intervention Assistant |
Monseur-Durr | Janet | Diversity Coordinator |
Montgomery | Tiffany | Secretary |
Morris | Shawn | Science |
Myers | Neal | ELL |
N |
Newman | Allison | English |
Nickel | Scott | Social Studies |
O |
Obrist | April | Intervention Specialist |
Olsheski | Adam | Assistant Principal |
Olsheski | Rachel | Physical Therapist |
Ozbolt | Andrew | Math |
P |
Palm | Jayda | ASL |
Papadopulo | Ami | Intervention |
Papp | Shawn | Social Studies |
Peitsmeyer | Aaron | Business |
Penzone | Josh | English |
Philipp | Hannah | Math |
Pierce | Lizzy | Intervention Specialist |
Poe | Corey | Work Study |
Pollom | Jon | Custodian |
Pullin | Gina | 504 Coach |
Q |
Quaranta | Rosalyn | ELL |
R |
Rambin | Jennifer | Related Services PT |
Rasmussen | Connie | Work Study Assistant |
Rausch | Brooke | Family Consumer Science |
Reed | Griffin | Intervention Specialist |
Reed | Mallory | English |
Reichle | Kyle | Science |
Ribble | Brenda | Administrative Secretary |
Rickert | David | English |
Riegel | John | Orchestra |
Riley | Justin | Game Design/Comp |
Roberts | Sierra | Theatre Assistant |
Rogers | Glenn | School Resource Officer |
Rottman | Evan | Intervention |
Ryan | Blake | Science |
Ryan | Bridget | Science |
S |
Salyers | Lisa | Speech |
Sanderson | Jeff | Educational Assistant |
Santagata | John | Senior Capstone |
Shoaf | Elissa | Intervention Specialist |
Shoemaker | Richard | English |
Sidders | Alyssa | Custodian |
Sims | Katie | Math |
Skaff | Morgan | Social Worker (L-Z) |
Slattery | Meghan | Intervention |
Smith | Jay | Asst. Athletic Director |
Stauffer | Stephanie | Spanish |
Stead | Maria | Tech Teacher |
Stephens | Joshua | Special Ed Coordinator |
Sterman | Hannah | Choir |
Stewart | Kristi | English |
Stoflinsky | Kami | Art |
T |
Tai | Kuei-Fang | Chinese |
Trubiano | Clay | Social Studies |
V |
Veri | Darice | Art |
Volzer | Scott | Art |
W |
Wagner | Krista | Occupational Therapist |
Watts | Steven | Social Studies |
Way | Dena | English |
Weer | Michael | Social Studies |
White | Marjorie | Computer Science |
Whitehouse | Chelsea | Intervention Specialist |
Wilcox | Anne | Spanish |
Wimbley | Robert | Grounds |
Wolfe | Julie | School Counselor (R-Z) |
Woodford | Tom | College Counselor |
Wright | Melissa | American Sign Language |
Z |
Zody | Stan | Math |