The Senior members of Student Council are sponsoring a Blood Drive on Oct. 31st form 8 to 2 in the Field House. Right now there is shortage of blood around the country. Every donation saves lives. If you would like to donate, find a QR code in the hallways or ask a member of student council.  Each donor will receive a $10. Gift Card in the mail.

Want to show off your knowledge of U.S. history and government and compete for prizes? Sign up for the American Legion and Government test which will be given here at Davidson on Wednesday, October 30. See any Social Studies teacher, counselor, or principal for more information, study materials, and the link to sign up.

Understanding College Loans meeting is October 29 at 6:30pm at Darby! It is important for students/parents to understand how student loans work and what their payment options are after graduation.  This meeting will help everyone better understand how students loans impact the student and family

Ski and Board club sign ups will start on Monday, Oct 28th. We will go to Mad River Mountain for 5 Thursdays starting Jan. 9th. See the QR codes on the TVs for more information.

Environmental Awareness club will be meeting today, October 24 after school in room 216. Lori Plinke from Keep Hilliard Beautiful will be joining us. New members are always welcome. Questions? See Mrs. Bloom or Mrs. Martin.

Please join Turning USA club today after school in room 222.  Ways to Honor Veterans will be the topics of conversation over pizza.  Bring a friend!

The MSA will hold a joint meeting with Weaver’s MSA, AT WEAVER, today, October 24th directly after school. We will meet in the front lobby and walk over together. Hope you can join us!

The Franklin County Board of Elections is looking for students 17 and older to work the polls on November 5th. If interested, please visit their website link for “Youth at the Booth”.
Want to show off your knowledge of U.S. history and government and compete for prizes? Sign up for the American Legion Americanism and Government test which will be given here at Davidson on Wednesday, October 30. See any Social Studies teacher, counselor, or principal for more information, study materials, and the link to sign up.
Environmental Awareness club will be meeting this Thursday, October 24 after school in room 216. Lori Plinke from Keep Hilliard Beautiful will be joining us. New members are always welcome. Questions? See Mrs. Bloom or Mrs. Martin.
Please join Turning Point USA club this Thursday after school in room 222. Ways to Honor Veterans will be the topics of conversation over pizza. Bring a friend!
The MSA will hold a joint meeting with Weaver’s MSA, AT WEAVER, this Thursday, October 24th, directly after school. We will meet in the front lobby and walk over together. Hope you can join us!
Ski and Board club sign-ups will start on Monday, Oct 28th. We will go to Mad River Mountain for 5 Thursdays starting Jan. 9th. See the QR codes on the TVs for more information.

The Senior members of Student Council are sponsoring a Blood Drive on Oct. 31st, from 8 to 2 in the Field House. Right now there is shortage of blood around the country. Every donation saves lives. If you would like to donate, find a QR code in the hallways or ask a member of student council.  Each donor will receive a $10. Gift Card in the mail.

Want to show off your knowledge of U.S. history and government and compete for prizes? Sign up for the American Legion and Government test which will be given here at Davidson on Wednesday, October 30. See any Social Studies teacher, counselor, or principal for more information, study materials, and the link to sign up.

Attention Spanish Club – our next Spanish club meeting is today at 2:45pm in the cafeteria.  Come help us celebrate Dia de los Muertos.  We will have cookie decorating, hot chocolate, and music!

The Davidson Speech and Debate Club meets today in room 243. Hope to see you there!

Environmental Awareness club will be meeting this Thursday, October 24 after school in room 216. Lori Plinke from Keep Hilliard Beautiful will be joining us. New members are always welcome. Questions? See Mrs. Bloom or Mrs. Martin

Please join Turning USA club this Thursday after school in room 222.  Ways to Honor Veterans will be the topics of conversation over pizza.  Bring a friend!

There will be ASL club today after school in room 202 until 3:15. We will be learning signs related to Halloween and Fall. Bring your friends!

The MSA will hold a joint meeting with Weaver’s MSA, AT WEAVER, this Thursday, October 24th directly after school. We will meet in the front lobby and walk over together. Hope you can join us!

Drama club is meeting today after school in the PAC. We will be doing a musical reveal and watching Hocus Pocus!

The Senior members of Student Council are sponsoring a Blood Drive on Oct. 31st form 8 to 2 in the Field House. Right now there is shortage of blood around the country. Every donation saves lives. If you would like to donate, find a QR code in the hallways or ask a member of student council.  Each donor will receive a $10. Gift Card in the mail.

Want to show off your knowledge of U.S. history and government and compete for prizes? Sign up for the American Legion Americanism and Government test which will be given here at Davidson on Wednesday, October 30. See any Social Studies teacher, counselor, or principal for more information, study materials, and the link to sign up.

Attention Spanish Club – our next Spanish club meeting is TUESDAY at 2:45pm in the cafeteria.  Come help us celebrate Dia de los Muertos.  We will have cookie decorating, hot chocolate, and music!

The Key Club general meeting is today, Monday, 10/21, after school in Room 201.

The Davidson Speech and Debate Club meets every Tuesday in room 243. Hope to see you there!

Environmental Awareness club will be meeting this Thursday, October 24 after school in room 216. Lori Plinke from Keep Hilliard Beautiful will be joining us. New members are always welcome. Questions? See Mrs. Bloom or Mrs. Martin

The Senior members of Student Council are sponsoring a Blood Drive on Oct. 31st form 8 to 2 in the Field House. Right now there is shortage of blood around the country. Every donation saves lives. If you would like to donate, find a QR code in the hallways or ask a member of student council.  Each donor will receive a $10. Gift Card in the mail.

The Wildcat Band traveled to 2 separate band competitions this past Saturday.  They competed against 25 other bands through out the day and saw 14 different judges.  They received straight superior ratings from each judge (the highest possible rating) as well as numerous awards including 2 Best Percussion, Best Auxiliary, Best Music, Peoples Choice Award,, First Place in Class AA, and Grand Champion.  Way to go Wildcat Band on an outstanding weekend!!

Asian Youth Alliance will be having their first meeting today after school in room 248!

Heritage Middle School Mascot

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William Ragland